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Using the cuda::createMedianFilter

Hey guys, so I've used the median blur for the CPU and I wanted to see how long it takes for it to complete on the GPU using cuda.

I know there's cv::medianBlur but there's also a cv::cuda::createMedianFilter and I put the only working int srcTyp (CV_8UC1) and the next parameter is the window size. How exactly should I specify the window size and how do I actually get the filter to be applied onto the photo that I want to use. I don't exactly know how to get the filter to really be applied to said image.

Any help is appreciated! Thank you.

Using the cuda::createMedianFilter

Hey guys, so I've used the median blur for the CPU and I wanted to see how long it takes for it to complete on the GPU using cuda.

I know there's cv::medianBlur but there's also a cv::cuda::createMedianFilter and I put the only working int srcTyp (CV_8UC1) and the next parameter is the window size. How exactly should I specify the window size and how do I actually get the filter to be applied onto the photo that I want to use. I don't exactly know how to get the filter to really be applied to said image.

Any help is appreciated! Thank you.C:\fakepath\medianfilterfunction.png