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Redistort the image / undo image rectification

I am using the omnidirectional camera module to find the depth maps form the input stereo images. I am getting the disparity maps like this:image description

However I want to redistort this particular image so that it looks like the original input image like this: C:\fakepath\OL3.png. That is it should look like the cameras original field of view Can any one tell me how to redistort a particular image?

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updated 2018-02-28 01:48:09 -0600

berak gravatar image

Redistort the image / undo image rectification

I am using the omnidirectional camera module to find the depth maps form the input stereo images. I am getting the disparity maps like this:image description

However I want to redistort this particular image so that it looks like the original input image like this: C:\fakepath\OL3.pngC:\fakepath\OL3.png. That is it should look like the cameras original field of view Can any one tell me how to redistort a particular image?