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detection of paint defect in car door handles

I have to find paint defect in the door handles of the finishing project. Besides the software, I have to do lighting and photography myself. I give a few photographs as an example below. I would like advice on lighting and software. thank for help . (The red circle is not in the original picture. ) image description

detection of paint defect in car door handles

I have to find paint defect in the door handles of the finishing project. Besides the software, I have to do lighting and photography myself. I give a few photographs as an example below. I would like advice on lighting and software. thank for help . (The red circle is not in the original picture. ) image description . Orjinal image Orjinal image

detection of paint defect in car door handles

I have to find paint defect in the door handles of the finishing project. Besides the software, I have to do lighting and photography myself. I give a few photographs as an example below. I would like advice on lighting and software. thank for help . (The red circle is not in the original picture. ) image description . Orjinal image Orjinal imageOriginal picture image description.

click to hide/show revision 4

updated 2018-03-01 04:28:04 -0600

berak gravatar image

detection of paint defect in car door handles

I have to find paint defect in the door handles of the finishing project. Besides the software, I have to do lighting and photography myself. I give a few photographs as an example below. I would like advice on lighting and software. thank for help . (The red circle is not in the original picture. ) image description . Original picture image description.