There are numerous questions here, but none of them quite match my case. (And a lot are unanswered anyway.)
I'm using OpenCV for Android (the prebuilt version downloadable from the main site) to build a native App for Android (4.1.2) on a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 with Qt 5.0.1 for Android (using QtCreator 2.7.2) on a x86_64 Linux host.
I've linked against the libraries in the ../sdk/native/libs/armeabi-v7a folder. (I haven't built OpenCV from source, I'm just using what was in the downloaded package). This includes a libopencv_androidcam.a library. I've also downloaded the market app "OpenCV Manager".
The sample .apks from the samples directory work on my phone, but I haven't tried to build them on my own, as I don't have a Java development environment set up.
Starting my application, which contains a cv::VideoCapture inputCapture(CV_CAM_ANDROID);
statement, I get the following error and no camera input:
E/OpenCV::camera(15299): CameraWrapperConnector::connectToLib ERROR: cannot dlopen camera wrapper library
E/OpenCV::camera(15299): Native_camera returned opening error: 4
My questions:
- Should this work? I have seen a lot of bug reports, but all with older OpenCV versions and newer/older Android versions. Bonus points if it has been seen working on this phone model.
- Should this work out of the box with the downloaded OpenCV Android SDK? Or do I need to build OpenCV from source with some special options? (Which ones?)
- Do I need special library versions on the phone itself? Do I need to have root access to the device to make this work?
- Are there any "known to be working" Andoid examples using native code instead of Java?
Thanks a lot for any help!