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Bounds extraction

I'm currently working on an application that should mark portraits strictly one mark per one portrait. So currently I'm stuck with proper bounding of extracted contours. Here are Canny images. I tried to get bounding rectangles from contours, but then I have too many rectangles and I have to merge/filter them some how to achieve one to one correlation. Also, I tried to approx contours to polygons and filter only polygons with 4 points, but in this case photo frames which are visible on Canny are not approxed to 4 points polygons (i've tried different ranges of epsilon from 1 to 10 percents). I would appreciate for any ideas how come up with those boundaries[C:\fakepath\image.png][C:\fakepath\image-1.png](/upfiles/15167328167189085.png)(/upfiles/1516732795660617.png)

Bounds extraction

I'm currently working on an application that should mark portraits strictly one mark per one portrait. So currently I'm stuck with proper bounding of extracted contours. Here are Canny images. I tried to get bounding rectangles from contours, but then I have too many rectangles and I have to merge/filter them some how to achieve one to one correlation. Also, I tried to approx contours to polygons and filter only polygons with 4 points, but in this case photo frames which are visible on Canny are not approxed to 4 points polygons (i've tried different ranges of epsilon from 1 to 10 percents). I would appreciate for any ideas how come up with those boundaries[C:\fakepath\image.png][C:\fakepath\image-1.png](/upfiles/15167328167189085.png)(/upfiles/1516732795660617.png)boundaries Ex1 Ex2