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OpenCv SolvePnp result, to Eigen Quaternion

I am running opencv solvePnP using 3d points that I am passing in manually, and 2d image points from the corner of an aruco marker.

my 4 x 2d, and 4 x 3d points are as follows:

2d: [631.811, 359.303] 2d: [750.397, 364.894] 2d: [761.65, 448.106] 2d: [621.837, 440.352]

3d: [2.73788, -2.19532, 119.784] 3d: [-18.8274, -3.25251, 119.167] 3d: [-17.7176, -15.5556, 101.448] 3d: [3.84767, -14.4984, 102.065]

my camera matrix is:

[657.0030186215286, 0, 646.6970647943629; 0, 657.0030186215286, 347.1175117491306; 0, 0, 1]

When I run this, I get rvec and tvec:

rot: [3.542907682527767e-08; 9.321253763995684e-10; 3.141592612624269]

tran: [-2.599387317758439e-06; 7.428777431217353e-07; -1.306287668720693e-06]

Already, this looks strange. Please see the image attached for an example of where the marker is in relation to the camera. Then, i run the rvec and tvec through a function to get the camera pose in relation to the marker as an Eigen::quaterniond

void GetCameraPoseEigen(cv::Vec3d tvecV, cv::Vec3d rvecV, Eigen::Vector3d &Translate, Eigen::Quaterniond &quats)
    Mat R;
    Mat tvec, rvec;

    tvec = DoubleMatFromVec3b(tvecV);
    rvec = DoubleMatFromVec3b(rvecV);

    cv::Rodrigues(rvec, R); // R is 3x3
    R = R.t();                 // rotation of inverse
    tvec = -R*tvec;           // translation of inverse

    Eigen::Matrix3d mat;
    cv2eigen(R, mat);

    Eigen::Quaterniond EigenQuat(mat);

    quats = EigenQuat;

    double x_t =<double>(0, 0);
    double y_t =<double>(1, 0);
    double z_t =<double>(2, 0);

    Translate.x() = x_t * 10;
    Translate.y() = y_t * 10;
    Translate.z() = z_t * 10;   


The resulting quaternion is:

1.12774e-08 2.96705e-10 1 -2.04828e-08

Which is obviously wrong. But where is my mistake? Do my 2d - 3d correspondences look correct? Or is it my Eigen conversion?

Thank you.

image description

OpenCv SolvePnp result, to Eigen Quaternion

I am running opencv solvePnP using 3d points that I am passing in manually, and 2d image points from the corner of an aruco marker.

my 4 x 2d, and 4 x 3d points are as follows:

2d: [631.811, 359.303]
2d: [750.397, 364.894]
2d: [761.65, 448.106]
2d: [621.837, 440.352]

440.352] 3d: [2.73788, -2.19532, 119.784] 3d: [-18.8274, -3.25251, 119.167] 3d: [-17.7176, -15.5556, 101.448] 3d: [3.84767, -14.4984, 102.065]


my camera matrix is:

[657.0030186215286, 0, 646.6970647943629;
0, 657.0030186215286, 347.1175117491306;
0, 0, 1]


When I run this, I get rvec and tvec:

rot: [3.542907682527767e-08;

3.141592612624269] tran: [-2.599387317758439e-06; 7.428777431217353e-07; -1.306287668720693e-06]


Already, this looks strange. Please see the image attached for an example of where the marker is in relation to the camera. Then, i run the rvec and tvec through a function to get the camera pose in relation to the marker as an Eigen::quaterniond

void GetCameraPoseEigen(cv::Vec3d tvecV, cv::Vec3d rvecV, Eigen::Vector3d &Translate, Eigen::Quaterniond &quats)
    Mat R;
    Mat tvec, rvec;

    tvec = DoubleMatFromVec3b(tvecV);
    rvec = DoubleMatFromVec3b(rvecV);

    cv::Rodrigues(rvec, R); // R is 3x3
    R = R.t();                 // rotation of inverse
    tvec = -R*tvec;           // translation of inverse

    Eigen::Matrix3d mat;
    cv2eigen(R, mat);

    Eigen::Quaterniond EigenQuat(mat);

    quats = EigenQuat;

    double x_t =<double>(0, 0);
    double y_t =<double>(1, 0);
    double z_t =<double>(2, 0);

    Translate.x() = x_t * 10;
    Translate.y() = y_t * 10;
    Translate.z() = z_t * 10;   


The resulting quaternion is:

1.12774e-08 2.96705e-10 1 -2.04828e-08

Which is obviously wrong. But where is my mistake? Do my 2d - 3d correspondences look correct? Or is it my Eigen conversion?

Thank you.

image description

OpenCv SolvePnp result, to Eigen Quaternion

I am running opencv solvePnP using 3d points that I am passing in manually, and 2d image points from the corner of an aruco marker.

my 4 x 2d, and 4 x 3d points are as follows:

2d: [631.811, 359.303]
2d: [750.397, 364.894]
2d: [761.65, 448.106]
2d: [621.837, 440.352]

3d: [2.73788, -2.19532, 119.784]
3d: [-18.8274, -3.25251, 119.167]
3d: [-17.7176, -15.5556, 101.448]
3d: [3.84767, -14.4984, 102.065]

my camera matrix is:

[657.0030186215286, 0, 646.6970647943629;
 0, 657.0030186215286, 347.1175117491306;
 0, 0, 1]

When I run this, I get rvec and tvec:

rot: [3.542907682527767e-08;

tran: [-2.599387317758439e-06;

Already, this looks strange. Please see the image attached for an example of where the marker is in relation to the camera. Then, i run the rvec and tvec through a function to get the camera pose in relation to the marker as an Eigen::quaterniond

void GetCameraPoseEigen(cv::Vec3d tvecV, cv::Vec3d rvecV, Eigen::Vector3d &Translate, Eigen::Quaterniond &quats)
    Mat R;
    Mat tvec, rvec;

    tvec = DoubleMatFromVec3b(tvecV);
    rvec = DoubleMatFromVec3b(rvecV);

    cv::Rodrigues(rvec, R); // R is 3x3
    R = R.t();                 // rotation of inverse
    tvec = -R*tvec;           // translation of inverse

    Eigen::Matrix3d mat;
    cv2eigen(R, mat);

    Eigen::Quaterniond EigenQuat(mat);

    quats = EigenQuat;

    double x_t =<double>(0, 0);
    double y_t =<double>(1, 0);
    double z_t =<double>(2, 0);

    Translate.x() = x_t * 10;
    Translate.y() = y_t * 10;
    Translate.z() = z_t * 10;   


The resulting quaternion is:

1.12774e-08 2.96705e-10 1 -2.04828e-08

Which is obviously wrong. But where is my mistake? Do my 2d - 3d correspondences look correct? Or is it my Eigen conversion?

Thank you.

image description


I have adjusted the getCorners function based on the helpful comments below.

std::vector<cv::Point3f> getCornersInWorld(double side, cv::Vec3d rvec, cv::Vec3d tvec) {

    //marker half size
    double half_side = side / 2;

    // compute rot_mat
    cv::Mat rot_mat;
    cv::Rodrigues(rvec, rot_mat);

    // transpose of rot_mat
    cv::Mat rot_mat_t = rot_mat.t();

    //points in marker space
    cv::Point3d cnr1(0, -half_side, half_side);
    cv::Point3d cnr2(0, half_side, half_side);
    cv::Point3d cnr3(0, half_side, -half_side);
    cv::Point3d cnr4(0, -half_side, -half_side);

    //to mat
    cv::Mat cnr1Mat(cnr1);
    cv::Mat cnr2Mat(cnr2);
    cv::Mat cnr3Mat(cnr3);
    cv::Mat cnr4Mat(cnr4);

    //rotate points
    cv::Mat pt_newMat1 = (-rot_mat_t * cnr1Mat);
    cv::Mat pt_newMat2 = (-rot_mat_t * cnr2Mat);
    cv::Mat pt_newMat3 = (-rot_mat_t * cnr3Mat);
    cv::Mat pt_newMat4 = (-rot_mat_t * cnr4Mat);

    // convert tvec to point
    cv::Point3d tvec_3d(tvec[0], tvec[1], tvec[2]);
    cv::Mat tvecMat(tvec_3d);

    //rotate tvec
    cv::Mat tvec_new = (-rot_mat_t * tvecMat);
    cv::Point3d p(tvec_new);

    //subtract tvec from all
    pt_newMat1 = pt_newMat1 - tvec_new;
    pt_newMat2 = pt_newMat2 - tvec_new;
    pt_newMat3 = pt_newMat3 - tvec_new;
    pt_newMat4 = pt_newMat4 - tvec_new;

    //back to pnt
    cv::Point3d p1(pt_newMat1);
    cv::Point3d p2(pt_newMat2);
    cv::Point3d p3(pt_newMat3);
    cv::Point3d p4(pt_newMat4);

    std::vector<cv::Point3f> retPnts;

    return retPnts;

This gives me:

2d: [640.669, 489.541]
2d: [746.65, 479.212]
2d: [787.032, 547.899]
2d: [662.316, 561.966]

3d: [26.7971, 83.641, -78.1216]
3d: [28.0609, 91.2866, -57.9595]
3d: [31.636, 111.129, -65.7082]
3d: [30.3722, 103.484, -85.8702]

rot: [-0.4156437942693543;

tran: [20.6613956945096;

-0.187639 0.472901 -0.480271 0.71449

Which looks more sensible, but is still wrong. the resulting pose seems to be around 45 degrees off what I would expect, and on the wrong axis.