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Matching matlab rotation with opencv rotation

I'm having difficulties getting C++ and python rotations to match Matlab. I'm trying to get c++ to match a matlab simulation and have found the issue to be in the rotation portion. The rotation must retain all data so no clipping is allowed. So I decided to try to match Matlab rotation with Python first as it's easier to test than c++.

The python code I tried came from Flemin's Blog on rotation ( and the c++ came from Schillingman's post ( I thought is was best to use a simple case where I set border pixel values and observe how the border rotates. Using 90 and -90 degrees simplified the transformation matrix (see

Below is a picture of the original non-rotated image in python image description

Then after running the python script (script below), I get a rotation where it is shifted to the right one column. image description

With Matlab (script below), the rotation is as expected. image description

Below is the Python script. I added width and height offsets to the function to allow me to experiment with offsets to the tx and ty rotation parameters. I found that setting the width offset to 1 made the 90 degree rotation case match Matlab, but it didn't help -90.

import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functools
import math

bwimshow = functools.partial(plt.imshow, vmin=0, vmax=255,

def rotate_about_center(src, angle, widthOffset=0., heightOffset=0, scale=1.):
    w = src.shape[1]
    h = src.shape[0]
    offset = -0.0;
    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians
    # now calculate new image width and height
    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale
    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale
    print("nw = ", nw, "nh = ", nh)
    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5 + offset, nh*0.5 + offset), angle, scale)
    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
    # with the rotation
    rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5 + widthOffset, (nh-h)*0.5 + heightOffset,0]))
    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
    # part of the transform
    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]
    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]
    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

def main():
    # create image
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    angle = -90  
    widthOffset = 0  # need 1 to match 90 degrees and ? for -90 degrees.
    heightOffset = 0
    img = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)
    # Fill lower qtr.
    for row in range(int(rows/2), rows):
        col = row
        if col < cols:
            img[row,col] = 200
    for row in range(rows):
        img[row,0] = 255
        img[row,cols-1] = 255

    for col in range(cols):
        img[0,col] = 200
        img[rows-1,col] = 200

    img[0, int(cols/2 - 1)] = 0  # need -1 to match matlab
    img[rows-1, int(cols/2) - 1] = 100 # need -1 to match matlab

    img = rotate_about_center(img, angle, widthOffset, heightOffset)
    print("img shape = ", img.shape)
    print('Data type', img.dtype)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()enter code here

And below is the Matlab script


rows = 10;
cols = 10;
Img = zeros(rows,cols);
% draw perimeter around box
for row = 1:rows
    Img(row,1) = 255;
    Img(row,cols) = 255;
for col = 1:cols
    Img(1, col) = 200;
    Img(rows,col) = 200;
% Mark the row so we can distinguish from a column.
Img(1, cols/2) = 0;
Img(rows, cols/2) = 100;

image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
angle = -90; % positive is counter clockwise
Img = imrotate(Img, angle, 'bilinear');
image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
title('Matlab rotation experiment')
xlabel(['cols = ' num2str(sz(2))])
ylabel(['rows = ' num2str(sz(1))])

I apologize for the reams and reams of code, but hopefully it makes it easier for someone to replicate the problem.

Matching matlab rotation with opencv rotation

I'm having difficulties getting C++ and python rotations to match Matlab. I'm trying My goal is to get c++ code to match a matlab simulation algorithm (rather complex) and I have found the issue to be in the rotation portion.

The rotation must retain all data so no clipping is allowed. So

To simplify things, I decided to try to match Matlab rotation with Python first as it's easier to test with than c++. Testing with 90 and -90 degrees also simplified the transformation matrix (see

I thought is was best to use a simple case where I set border pixel values to observe how the box rotates.

The python code I tried came from Flemin's Blog on rotation ( and the c++ came from Schillingman's post ( I thought is was best to use a simple case where I set border pixel values and observe how the border rotates. Using 90 and -90 degrees simplified the transformation matrix (see

Below is a picture of the original non-rotated image in python image description

Then after running the python script (script below), I get a rotation where it is shifted to the right one column. image description

With Matlab (script below), the rotation is as expected. image description

Below is the Python script. I added width and height offsets to the function to allow me to experiment with offsets to the tx and ty rotation parameters. I found that setting the width offset to 1 made the 90 degree rotation case match Matlab, but it didn't help -90.

import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functools
import math

bwimshow = functools.partial(plt.imshow, vmin=0, vmax=255,

def rotate_about_center(src, angle, widthOffset=0., heightOffset=0, scale=1.):
    w = src.shape[1]
    h = src.shape[0]
    offset = -0.0;
    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians
    # now calculate new image width and height
    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale
    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale
    print("nw = ", nw, "nh = ", nh)
    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5 + offset, nh*0.5 + offset), angle, scale)
    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
    # with the rotation
    rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5 + widthOffset, (nh-h)*0.5 + heightOffset,0]))
    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
    # part of the transform
    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]
    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]
    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

def main():
    # create image
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    angle = -90  
    widthOffset = 0  # need 1 to match 90 degrees and ? for -90 degrees.
    heightOffset = 0
    img = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)
    # Fill lower qtr.
    for row in range(int(rows/2), rows):
        col = row
        if col < cols:
            img[row,col] = 200
    for row in range(rows):
        img[row,0] = 255
        img[row,cols-1] = 255

    for col in range(cols):
        img[0,col] = 200
        img[rows-1,col] = 200

    img[0, int(cols/2 - 1)] = 0  # need -1 to match matlab
    img[rows-1, int(cols/2) - 1] = 100 # need -1 to match matlab

    img = rotate_about_center(img, angle, widthOffset, heightOffset)
    print("img shape = ", img.shape)
    print('Data type', img.dtype)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()enter code here

And below is the Matlab script


rows = 10;
cols = 10;
Img = zeros(rows,cols);
% draw perimeter around box
for row = 1:rows
    Img(row,1) = 255;
    Img(row,cols) = 255;
for col = 1:cols
    Img(1, col) = 200;
    Img(rows,col) = 200;
% Mark the row so we can distinguish from a column.
Img(1, cols/2) = 0;
Img(rows, cols/2) = 100;

image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
angle = -90; % positive is counter clockwise
Img = imrotate(Img, angle, 'bilinear');
image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
title('Matlab rotation experiment')
xlabel(['cols = ' num2str(sz(2))])
ylabel(['rows = ' num2str(sz(1))])

I apologize for the reams and reams of code, but hopefully it makes it easier for someone to replicate the problem.

Matching matlab rotation with opencv rotation

I'm having difficulties getting C++ and python rotations to match Matlab. My goal is to get c++ code to match a matlab algorithm (rather complex) and I have found the issue to be in the rotation portion.

The rotation must retain all data so no clipping is allowed.

To simplify things, I decided to try to match Matlab rotation with Python first as it's easier to test with than c++. Testing with 90 and -90 degrees also simplified the transformation matrix (see

I thought is was best to use a simple case where I set border pixel values to observe how the box rotates.

The python code I tried came from Flemin's Blog on rotation ( and the c++ came from Schillingman's post (

Below is a picture of the original non-rotated image in python image description

Then after running the python script (script below), I get a rotation where it is shifted to the right one column. image description

With Matlab (script below), the rotation is as expected. expected. Note that matlab plots start at 1 whereas Python starts at zero. image description

Below is the Python script. I added width and height offsets to the function to allow me to experiment with offsets to the tx and ty rotation parameters. I found that setting the width offset to 1 made the 90 degree rotation case match Matlab, but it didn't help -90.

import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functools
import math

bwimshow = functools.partial(plt.imshow, vmin=0, vmax=255,

def rotate_about_center(src, angle, widthOffset=0., heightOffset=0, scale=1.):
    w = src.shape[1]
    h = src.shape[0]
    offset = -0.0;
    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians
    # now calculate new image width and height
    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale
    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale
    print("nw = ", nw, "nh = ", nh)
    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5 + offset, nh*0.5 + offset), angle, scale)
    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
    # with the rotation
    rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5 + widthOffset, (nh-h)*0.5 + heightOffset,0]))
    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
    # part of the transform
    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]
    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]
    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

def main():
    # create image
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    angle = -90  
    widthOffset = 0  # need 1 to match 90 degrees and ? for -90 degrees.
    heightOffset = 0
    img = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)
    # Fill lower qtr.
    for row in range(int(rows/2), rows):
        col = row
        if col < cols:
            img[row,col] = 200
    for row in range(rows):
        img[row,0] = 255
        img[row,cols-1] = 255

    for col in range(cols):
        img[0,col] = 200
        img[rows-1,col] = 200

    img[0, int(cols/2 - 1)] = 0  # need -1 to match matlab
    img[rows-1, int(cols/2) - 1] = 100 # need -1 to match matlab

    img = rotate_about_center(img, angle, widthOffset, heightOffset)
    print("img shape = ", img.shape)
    print('Data type', img.dtype)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()enter code here

And below is the Matlab script


rows = 10;
cols = 10;
Img = zeros(rows,cols);
% draw perimeter around box
for row = 1:rows
    Img(row,1) = 255;
    Img(row,cols) = 255;
for col = 1:cols
    Img(1, col) = 200;
    Img(rows,col) = 200;
% Mark the row so we can distinguish from a column.
Img(1, cols/2) = 0;
Img(rows, cols/2) = 100;

image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
angle = -90; % positive is counter clockwise
Img = imrotate(Img, angle, 'bilinear');
image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
title('Matlab rotation experiment')
xlabel(['cols = ' num2str(sz(2))])
ylabel(['rows = ' num2str(sz(1))])

I apologize for the reams and reams of code, but hopefully it makes it easier for someone to replicate the problem.

Matching matlab rotation with opencv rotation

I'm having difficulties getting C++ and python rotations to match Matlab. My goal is to get c++ code to match a matlab algorithm (rather written in Matlab (its rather complex) and I have found the issue to be in the rotation portion.

The rotation must retain all data so no clipping is allowed.

To simplify things, I decided to try to match Matlab rotation with Python first as it's easier to test with than c++. Testing with 90 and -90 degrees also simplified the transformation matrix (see

I thought is was best to use a simple case where I set border pixel values to observe how the box rotates.

The python code I tried came from Flemin's Blog on rotation ( and the c++ came from Schillingman's post (

Below is a picture of the original non-rotated image in python python. Use the grey point as (4,9) for reference. image description

Then after running the python script (script below), I get a rotation where it is shifted to the right one column. column. Note the reference point is at (1,4) when it should be at (0,4) image description

With Matlab (script below), the rotation is as expected. Note that matlab plots start at 1 whereas Python starts at zero. zero. So the reference point in Matlab at (1,5) equates to a Python point at (0,4) image description

Below is the Python script. I added width and height offsets to the function to allow me to experiment with offsets to the tx and ty rotation parameters. I found that setting the width offset to 1 made the 90 degree rotation case match Matlab, but it didn't help -90.

import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functools
import math

bwimshow = functools.partial(plt.imshow, vmin=0, vmax=255,

def rotate_about_center(src, angle, widthOffset=0., heightOffset=0, scale=1.):
    w = src.shape[1]
    h = src.shape[0]
    offset = -0.0;
    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians
    # now calculate new image width and height
    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale
    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale
    print("nw = ", nw, "nh = ", nh)
    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5 + offset, nh*0.5 + offset), angle, scale)
    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
    # with the rotation
    rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5 + widthOffset, (nh-h)*0.5 + heightOffset,0]))
    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
    # part of the transform
    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]
    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]
    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

def main():
    # create image
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    angle = -90  
    widthOffset = 0  # need 1 to match 90 degrees and ? for -90 degrees.
    heightOffset = 0
    img = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)
    # Fill lower qtr.
    for row in range(int(rows/2), rows):
        col = row
        if col < cols:
            img[row,col] = 200
    for row in range(rows):
        img[row,0] = 255
        img[row,cols-1] = 255

    for col in range(cols):
        img[0,col] = 200
        img[rows-1,col] = 200

    img[0, int(cols/2 - 1)] = 0  # need -1 to match matlab
    img[rows-1, int(cols/2) - 1] = 100 # need -1 to match matlab

    img = rotate_about_center(img, angle, widthOffset, heightOffset)
    print("img shape = ", img.shape)
    print('Data type', img.dtype)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()enter code here

And below is the Matlab script


rows = 10;
cols = 10;
Img = zeros(rows,cols);
% draw perimeter around box
for row = 1:rows
    Img(row,1) = 255;
    Img(row,cols) = 255;
for col = 1:cols
    Img(1, col) = 200;
    Img(rows,col) = 200;
% Mark the row so we can distinguish from a column.
Img(1, cols/2) = 0;
Img(rows, cols/2) = 100;

image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
angle = -90; % positive is counter clockwise
Img = imrotate(Img, angle, 'bilinear');
image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
title('Matlab rotation experiment')
xlabel(['cols = ' num2str(sz(2))])
ylabel(['rows = ' num2str(sz(1))])

I apologize for the reams and reams of code, but hopefully it makes it easier for someone to replicate the problem.

Matching matlab rotation with opencv rotation

I'm having difficulties getting C++ and python rotations to match Matlab. My goal is to get c++ code to match a algorithm written in Matlab (its rather complex) and I have found the issue to be in the rotation portion.

The rotation must retain all data so no clipping is allowed.

To simplify things, I decided to try to match Matlab rotation with Python first as it's easier to test with than c++. Testing with 90 and -90 degrees also simplified the transformation matrix (see

I also thought the best way to observe rotations is was best to use a simple case where I set the border pixel values are set to observe how the box rotates.

The python code I tried came from Flemin's Blog on rotation ( and the c++ came from Schillingman's post (

Below is a picture of the original non-rotated image in python. Use the grey point as (4,9) for reference. image description

Then after running the python script (script below), I get a rotation where it is shifted to the right one column. Note the reference point is at (1,4) when it should be at (0,4) image description

With Matlab (script below), the rotation is as expected. Note that matlab plots start at 1 whereas Python starts at zero. So the reference point in Matlab at (1,5) equates to a Python point at (0,4) image description

Below is the Python script. I added width and height offsets to the function to allow me to experiment with offsets to the tx and ty rotation parameters. I found that setting the width offset to 1 made the 90 degree rotation case match Matlab, but it didn't help -90.

import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functools
import math

bwimshow = functools.partial(plt.imshow, vmin=0, vmax=255,

def rotate_about_center(src, angle, widthOffset=0., heightOffset=0, scale=1.):
    w = src.shape[1]
    h = src.shape[0]
    offset = -0.0;
    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians
    # now calculate new image width and height
    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale
    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale
    print("nw = ", nw, "nh = ", nh)
    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5 + offset, nh*0.5 + offset), angle, scale)
    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
    # with the rotation
    rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5 + widthOffset, (nh-h)*0.5 + heightOffset,0]))
    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
    # part of the transform
    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]
    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]
    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

def main():
    # create image
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    angle = -90  
    widthOffset = 0  # need 1 to match 90 degrees and ? for -90 degrees.
    heightOffset = 0
    img = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)
    # Fill lower qtr.
    for row in range(int(rows/2), rows):
        col = row
        if col < cols:
            img[row,col] = 200
    for row in range(rows):
        img[row,0] = 255
        img[row,cols-1] = 255

    for col in range(cols):
        img[0,col] = 200
        img[rows-1,col] = 200

    img[0, int(cols/2 - 1)] = 0  # need -1 to match matlab
    img[rows-1, int(cols/2) - 1] = 100 # need -1 to match matlab

    img = rotate_about_center(img, angle, widthOffset, heightOffset)
    print("img shape = ", img.shape)
    print('Data type', img.dtype)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()enter code here

And below is the Matlab script


rows = 10;
cols = 10;
Img = zeros(rows,cols);
% draw perimeter around box
for row = 1:rows
    Img(row,1) = 255;
    Img(row,cols) = 255;
for col = 1:cols
    Img(1, col) = 200;
    Img(rows,col) = 200;
% Mark the row so we can distinguish from a column.
Img(1, cols/2) = 0;
Img(rows, cols/2) = 100;

image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
angle = -90; % positive is counter clockwise
Img = imrotate(Img, angle, 'bilinear');
image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
title('Matlab rotation experiment')
xlabel(['cols = ' num2str(sz(2))])
ylabel(['rows = ' num2str(sz(1))])

I apologize for the reams and reams of code, but hopefully it makes it easier for someone to replicate the problem.

Matching matlab rotation with opencv rotation

I'm having difficulties getting C++ and python rotations to match Matlab. My goal is to get c++ code to match a algorithm written in Matlab (its rather complex) and I have found the issue to be in the rotation portion.

The rotation must retain all data so no clipping is allowed.

To simplify things, I decided to try to match Matlab rotation with Python first as it's easier to test with than c++. Testing with 90 and -90 degrees also simplified the transformation matrix (see

I also thought the best way to observe rotations is to use a simple case where the border pixel values are set to observe how the box rotates.

The python code I tried came from Flemin's Blog on rotation ( and the c++ came from Schillingman's post (

Below is a picture of the original non-rotated image in python. Use the grey point as (4,9) for reference. image description

Then after running the python script (script below), I get a rotation where it is shifted to the right one column. Note the reference point is at (1,4) when it should be at (0,4) image description

With Matlab (script below), the rotation is as expected. Note that matlab plots start at 1 whereas Python starts at zero. So the reference point in Matlab at (1,5) equates to a Python point at (0,4) image description

Below is the Python script. I added width and height offsets to the function to allow me to experiment with offsets to the tx and ty rotation parameters. I found that setting the width offset to 1 made the 90 degree rotation case match Matlab, but it didn't help -90. -90.

UPDATE: I tried setting offset = -0.5 in the function below and the rotations work. The reasoning why this may work is that the center point defined by (cols/2, rows/2) is not (5,5), but rather (4.5, 4.5). This would only be correct when cols or rows are even, so some smarts needs to be added to the Python algorithm.

import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functools
import math

bwimshow = functools.partial(plt.imshow, vmin=0, vmax=255,

def rotate_about_center(src, angle, widthOffset=0., heightOffset=0, scale=1.):
    w = src.shape[1]
    h = src.shape[0]
    offset = -0.0;
    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians
    # now calculate new image width and height
    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale
    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale
    print("nw = ", nw, "nh = ", nh)
    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5 + offset, nh*0.5 + offset), angle, scale)
    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
    # with the rotation
    rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5 + widthOffset, (nh-h)*0.5 + heightOffset,0]))
    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
    # part of the transform
    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]
    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]
    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

def main():
    # create image
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    angle = -90  
    widthOffset = 0  # need 1 to match 90 degrees and ? for -90 degrees.
    heightOffset = 0
    img = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)
    # Fill lower qtr.
    for row in range(int(rows/2), rows):
        col = row
        if col < cols:
            img[row,col] = 200
    for row in range(rows):
        img[row,0] = 255
        img[row,cols-1] = 255

    for col in range(cols):
        img[0,col] = 200
        img[rows-1,col] = 200

    img[0, int(cols/2 - 1)] = 0  # need -1 to match matlab
    img[rows-1, int(cols/2) - 1] = 100 # need -1 to match matlab

    img = rotate_about_center(img, angle, widthOffset, heightOffset)
    print("img shape = ", img.shape)
    print('Data type', img.dtype)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()enter code here

And below is the Matlab script


rows = 10;
cols = 10;
Img = zeros(rows,cols);
% draw perimeter around box
for row = 1:rows
    Img(row,1) = 255;
    Img(row,cols) = 255;
for col = 1:cols
    Img(1, col) = 200;
    Img(rows,col) = 200;
% Mark the row so we can distinguish from a column.
Img(1, cols/2) = 0;
Img(rows, cols/2) = 100;

image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
angle = -90; % positive is counter clockwise
Img = imrotate(Img, angle, 'bilinear');
image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
title('Matlab rotation experiment')
xlabel(['cols = ' num2str(sz(2))])
ylabel(['rows = ' num2str(sz(1))])

I apologize for the reams and reams of code, but hopefully it makes it easier for someone to replicate the problem.

Matching matlab rotation with opencv rotation

I'm having difficulties getting C++ and python rotations to match Matlab. My goal is to get c++ code to match a algorithm written in Matlab (its rather complex) and I have found the issue to be in the rotation portion.

The rotation must retain all data so no clipping is allowed.

To simplify things, I decided to try to match Matlab rotation with Python first as it's easier to test with than c++. Testing with 90 and -90 degrees also simplified the transformation matrix (see

I also thought the best way to observe rotations is to use a simple case where the border pixel values are set to observe how the box rotates.

The python code I tried came from Flemin's Blog on rotation ( and the c++ came from Schillingman's post (

Below is a picture of the original non-rotated image in python. Use the grey point as (4,9) for reference. image description

Then after running the python script (script below), I get a rotation where it is shifted to the right one column. Note the reference point is at (1,4) when it should be at (0,4) image description

With Matlab (script below), the rotation is as expected. Note that matlab plots start at 1 whereas Python starts at zero. So the reference point in Matlab at (1,5) equates to a Python point at (0,4) image description

Below is the Python script. I added width and height offsets to the function to allow me to experiment with offsets to the tx and ty rotation parameters. I found that setting the width offset to 1 made the 90 degree rotation case match Matlab, but it didn't help -90.

UPDATE: UPDATE 1/19 9AM: I tried setting offset = -0.5 in the function rotate_about_center() below and the 90/-90 degree rotations work. match Matlab. The reasoning why this may work is that the center point defined by (cols/2, rows/2) is not (5,5), but rather (4.5, 4.5). This would only be correct when cols or rows are even, so some smarts needs to be added to the Python algorithm.

import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functools
import math

bwimshow = functools.partial(plt.imshow, vmin=0, vmax=255,

def rotate_about_center(src, angle, widthOffset=0., heightOffset=0, scale=1.):
    w = src.shape[1]
    h = src.shape[0]
    offset = -0.0;
    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians
    # now calculate new image width and height
    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale
    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale
    print("nw = ", nw, "nh = ", nh)
    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5 + offset, nh*0.5 + offset), angle, scale)
    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
    # with the rotation
    rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5 + widthOffset, (nh-h)*0.5 + heightOffset,0]))
    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
    # part of the transform
    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]
    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]
    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

def main():
    # create image
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    angle = -90  
    widthOffset = 0  # need 1 to match 90 degrees and ? for -90 degrees.
    heightOffset = 0
    img = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)
    # Fill lower qtr.
    for row in range(int(rows/2), rows):
        col = row
        if col < cols:
            img[row,col] = 200
    for row in range(rows):
        img[row,0] = 255
        img[row,cols-1] = 255

    for col in range(cols):
        img[0,col] = 200
        img[rows-1,col] = 200

    img[0, int(cols/2 - 1)] = 0  # need -1 to match matlab
    img[rows-1, int(cols/2) - 1] = 100 # need -1 to match matlab

    img = rotate_about_center(img, angle, widthOffset, heightOffset)
    print("img shape = ", img.shape)
    print('Data type', img.dtype)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()enter code here

And below is the Matlab script


rows = 10;
cols = 10;
Img = zeros(rows,cols);
% draw perimeter around box
for row = 1:rows
    Img(row,1) = 255;
    Img(row,cols) = 255;
for col = 1:cols
    Img(1, col) = 200;
    Img(rows,col) = 200;
% Mark the row so we can distinguish from a column.
Img(1, cols/2) = 0;
Img(rows, cols/2) = 100;

image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
angle = -90; % positive is counter clockwise
Img = imrotate(Img, angle, 'bilinear');
image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
title('Matlab rotation experiment')
xlabel(['cols = ' num2str(sz(2))])
ylabel(['rows = ' num2str(sz(1))])

I apologize for the reams and reams of code, but hopefully it makes it easier for someone to replicate the problem.

Matching matlab rotation with opencv rotation

I'm having difficulties getting C++ and python rotations to match Matlab. My goal is to get c++ code to match a algorithm written in Matlab (its rather complex) and I have found the issue to be in the rotation portion.

The rotation must retain all data so no clipping is allowed.

To simplify things, I decided to try to match Matlab rotation with Python first as it's easier to test with than c++. Testing with 90 and -90 degrees also simplified the transformation matrix (see

I also thought the best way to observe rotations is to use a simple case where the border pixel values are set to observe how the box rotates.

The python code I tried came from Flemin's Blog on rotation ( and the c++ came from Schillingman's post (

Below is a picture of the original non-rotated image in python. Use the grey point as (4,9) for reference. image description

Then after running the python script (script below), I get a rotation where it is shifted to the right one column. Note the reference point is at (1,4) when it should be at (0,4) image description

With Matlab (script below), the rotation is as expected. Note that matlab plots start at 1 whereas Python starts at zero. So the reference point in Matlab at (1,5) equates to a Python point at (0,4) image description

Below is the Python script. I added width and height offsets to the function to allow me to experiment with offsets to the tx and ty rotation parameters. I found that setting the width offset to 1 made the 90 degree rotation case match Matlab, but it didn't help -90.

UPDATE 1/19 9AM: I tried setting offset = -0.5 in the function rotate_about_center() below and the 90/-90 degree rotations match Matlab. The reasoning why this may work is that the center point defined by (cols/2, rows/2) is not (5,5), but rather (4.5, 4.5). This would only be correct when cols or rows are even, so some smarts needs to be added to the Python algorithm.

import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functools
import math

bwimshow = functools.partial(plt.imshow, vmin=0, vmax=255,

def rotate_about_center(src, angle, widthOffset=0., heightOffset=0, scale=1.):
    w = src.shape[1]
    h = src.shape[0]
    # Add offset = -0.0;
to correct for even width images.
    wOffset = 0.0;
    if w%2 == 0:
        wOffset = -0.5 
    hOffset = 0.0
    if h%2 == 0 :
        hOffset = -0.5

    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians
    # now calculate new image width and height
    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale
    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale
    print("nw = ", nw, "nh = ", nh)
    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5 + offset, wOffset, nh*0.5 + offset), hOffset), angle, scale)
    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
    # with the rotation
    rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5 + widthOffset, (nh-h)*0.5 + heightOffset,0]))
    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
    # part of the transform
    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]
    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]
    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

def main():
    # create image
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    angle = -90  
    widthOffset = 0  # need 1 to match 90 degrees and ? for -90 degrees.
    heightOffset = 0
    img = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)
    # Fill lower qtr.
    for row in range(int(rows/2), rows):
        col = row
        if col < cols:
            img[row,col] = 200
    for row in range(rows):
        img[row,0] = 255
        img[row,cols-1] = 255

    for col in range(cols):
        img[0,col] = 200
        img[rows-1,col] = 200

    img[0, int(cols/2 - 1)] = 0  # need -1 to match matlab
    img[rows-1, int(cols/2) - 1] = 100 # need -1 to match matlab

    img = rotate_about_center(img, angle, widthOffset, heightOffset)
    print("img shape = ", img.shape)
    print('Data type', img.dtype)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()enter code here

And below is the Matlab script


rows = 10;
cols = 10;
Img = zeros(rows,cols);
% draw perimeter around box
for row = 1:rows
    Img(row,1) = 255;
    Img(row,cols) = 255;
for col = 1:cols
    Img(1, col) = 200;
    Img(rows,col) = 200;
% Mark the row so we can distinguish from a column.
Img(1, cols/2) = 0;
Img(rows, cols/2) = 100;

image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
angle = -90; % positive is counter clockwise
Img = imrotate(Img, angle, 'bilinear');
image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
title('Matlab rotation experiment')
xlabel(['cols = ' num2str(sz(2))])
ylabel(['rows = ' num2str(sz(1))])

I apologize for the reams and reams of code, but hopefully it makes it easier for someone to replicate the problem.

Matching matlab rotation with opencv rotation

I'm having difficulties getting C++ and python rotations to match Matlab. My goal is to get c++ code to match a algorithm written in Matlab (its rather complex) and I have found the issue to be in the rotation portion.

The rotation must retain all data so no clipping is allowed.

To simplify things, I decided to try to match Matlab rotation with Python first as it's easier to test with than c++. Testing with 90 and -90 degrees also simplified the transformation matrix (see

I also thought the best way to observe rotations is to use a simple case where the border pixel values are set to observe how the box rotates.

The python code I tried came from Flemin's Blog on rotation ( and the c++ came from Schillingman's post (

Below is a picture of the original non-rotated image in python. Use the grey point as (4,9) for reference. image description

Then after running the python script (script below), I get a rotation where it is shifted to the right one column. Note the reference point is at (1,4) when it should be at (0,4) image description

With Matlab (script below), the rotation is as expected. Note that matlab plots start at 1 whereas Python starts at zero. So the reference point in Matlab at (1,5) equates to a Python point at (0,4) image description

Below is the Python script. I added width and height offsets to the function to allow me to experiment with offsets to the tx and ty rotation parameters. I found that setting the width offset to 1 made the 90 degree rotation case match Matlab, but it didn't help -90.

UPDATE 1/19 9AM: I tried setting offset = -0.5 in the function rotate_about_center() below and the 90/-90 degree rotations match Matlab. The reasoning why this may work is that the center point defined by (cols/2, rows/2) is not (5,5), but rather (4.5, 4.5). This would only be correct However, when cols or rows are even, so some smarts needs to be added to the Python algorithm. I try a 11x11 image, .

import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functools
import math

bwimshow = functools.partial(plt.imshow, vmin=0, vmax=255,

def rotate_about_center(src, angle, widthOffset=0., heightOffset=0, scale=1.):
    w = src.shape[1]
    h = src.shape[0]

    # Add offset to correct for even width images.
    wOffset = 0.0;
    if w%2 == 0:
        wOffset = -0.5 
    hOffset = 0.0
    if h%2 == 0 :
        hOffset = -0.5

    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians
    # now calculate new image width and height
    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale
    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale
    print("nw = ", nw, "nh = ", nh)
    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5 + wOffset, nh*0.5 + hOffset), angle, scale)
    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
    # with the rotation
    rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5 + widthOffset, (nh-h)*0.5 + heightOffset,0]))
    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
    # part of the transform
    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]
    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]
    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

def main():
    # create image
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    angle = -90  
    widthOffset = 0  # need 1 to match 90 degrees and ? for -90 degrees.
    heightOffset = 0
    img = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)
    # Fill lower qtr.
    for row in range(int(rows/2), rows):
        col = row
        if col < cols:
            img[row,col] = 200
     for row in range(rows):
        img[row,0] = 255
        img[row,cols-1] = 255

    for col in range(cols):
        img[0,col] = 200
        img[rows-1,col] = 200

    img[0, int(cols/2 - 1)] = 0  # need -1 to match matlab
    img[rows-1, int(cols/2) - 1] = 100 # need -1 to match matlab

    img = rotate_about_center(img, angle, widthOffset, heightOffset)
    print("img shape = ", img.shape)
    print('Data type', img.dtype)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()enter code here

And below is the Matlab script


rows = 10;
cols = 10;
Img = zeros(rows,cols);
% draw perimeter around box
for row = 1:rows
    Img(row,1) Img(1:rows, 1) = 255;
    Img(row,cols) Img(1:rows, cols) = 255;
for col = 1:cols
    Img(1, col) 1:cols) = 200;
    Img(rows,col) Img(rows, 1:cols) = 200;
% Mark the row so we can distinguish from a column.
Img(1, cols/2) = 0;
Img(rows, cols/2) = 100;

image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
angle = -90; % positive is counter clockwise
Img = imrotate(Img, angle, 'bilinear');
image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
title('Matlab rotation experiment')
xlabel(['cols = ' num2str(sz(2))])
ylabel(['rows = ' num2str(sz(1))])

I apologize for the reams and reams of code, but hopefully it makes it easier for someone to replicate the problem.

Matching matlab rotation with opencv rotation

I'm having difficulties getting C++ and python rotations to match Matlab. My goal is to get c++ code to match a algorithm written in Matlab (its rather complex) and I have found the issue to be in the rotation portion.

The rotation must retain all data so no clipping is allowed.

To simplify things, I decided to try to match Matlab rotation with Python first as it's easier to test with than c++. Testing with 90 and -90 degrees also simplified the transformation matrix (see

I also thought the best way to observe rotations is to use a simple case where the border pixel values are set to observe how the box rotates.

The python code I tried came from Flemin's Blog on rotation ( and the c++ came from Schillingman's post (

Below is a picture of the original non-rotated image in python. Use the grey point as (4,9) for reference. image description

Then after running the python script (script below), I get a rotation where it is shifted to the right one column. Note the reference point is at (1,4) when it should be at (0,4) image description

With Matlab (script below), the rotation is as expected. Note that matlab plots start at 1 whereas Python starts at zero. So the reference point in Matlab at (1,5) equates to a Python point at (0,4) image description

Below is the Python script. I added width and height offsets to the function to allow me to experiment with offsets to the tx and ty rotation parameters. I found that setting the width offset to 1 made the 90 degree rotation case match Matlab, but it didn't help -90.

UPDATE 1/19 9AM: I tried setting offset = -0.5 in the function rotate_about_center() below and the 90/-90 degree rotations match Matlab. The For my 10x10 image, the reasoning why this may work is that the center point defined by (cols/2, rows/2) is not (5,5), but rather (4.5, 4.5). However, when I try a The same logic works for an 11x11 image, . image: the center is not (5.5,5.5) but rather (5,5).

import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functools
import math

bwimshow = functools.partial(plt.imshow, vmin=0, vmax=255,

def rotate_about_center(src, angle, widthOffset=0., heightOffset=0, scale=1.):
    w = src.shape[1]
    h = src.shape[0]

    # Add offset to correct for even width center of images.
    wOffset = 0.0;
    if w%2 == 0:
        wOffset = -0.5 
    hOffset = 0.0
    if h%2 == 0 :
        hOffset = -0.5

    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians
    # now calculate new image width and height
    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale
    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale
    print("nw = ", nw, "nh = ", nh)
    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5 + wOffset, nh*0.5 + hOffset), angle, scale)
    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
    # with the rotation
    rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5 + widthOffset, (nh-h)*0.5 + heightOffset,0]))
    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
    # part of the transform
    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]
    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]
    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

def main():
    # create image
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    angle = -90  
    widthOffset = 0  # need 1 to match 90 degrees and ? for -90 degrees.
    heightOffset = 0
    img = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)

    for row in range(rows):
        img[row,0] = 255
        img[row,cols-1] = 255

    for col in range(cols):
        img[0,col] = 200
        img[rows-1,col] = 200

    img[0, int(cols/2 - 1)] = 0  # need -1 to match matlab
    img[rows-1, int(cols/2) - 1] = 100 # need -1 to match matlab

    img = rotate_about_center(img, angle, widthOffset, heightOffset)
    print("img shape = ", img.shape)
    print('Data type', img.dtype)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()enter code here

And below is the Matlab script


rows = 10;
cols = 10;
Img = zeros(rows,cols);
% draw perimeter around box
Img(1:rows, 1) = 255;
Img(1:rows, cols) = 255;
Img(1, 1:cols) = 200;
Img(rows, 1:cols) = 200;
% Mark the row so we can distinguish from a column.
Img(1, cols/2) = 0;
Img(rows, cols/2) = 100;

image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
angle = -90; % positive is counter clockwise
Img = imrotate(Img, angle, 'bilinear');
image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
title('Matlab rotation experiment')
xlabel(['cols = ' num2str(sz(2))])
ylabel(['rows = ' num2str(sz(1))])

I apologize for the reams and reams of code, but hopefully it makes it easier for someone to replicate the problem.

Matching matlab rotation with opencv rotation

I'm having difficulties getting C++ and python rotations to match Matlab. My goal is to get c++ code to match a algorithm written in Matlab (its rather complex) and I have found the issue to be in the rotation portion.

The rotation must retain all data so no clipping is allowed.

To simplify things, I decided to try to match Matlab rotation with Python first as it's easier to test with than c++. Testing with 90 and -90 degrees also simplified the transformation matrix (see

I also thought the best way to observe rotations is to use a simple case where the border pixel values are set to observe how the box rotates.

The python code I tried came from Flemin's Blog on rotation ( and the c++ came from Schillingman's post (

Below is a picture of the original non-rotated image in python. Use the grey point as (4,9) for reference. image description

Then after running the python script (script below), I get a rotation where it is shifted to the right one column. Note the reference point is at (1,4) when it should be at (0,4) image description

With Matlab (script below), the rotation is as expected. Note that matlab plots start at 1 whereas Python starts at zero. So the reference point in Matlab at (1,5) equates to a Python point at (0,4) image description

Below is the Python script. I added width and height offsets to the function to allow me to experiment with offsets to the tx and ty rotation parameters. I found that setting the width offset to 1 made the 90 degree rotation case match Matlab, but it didn't help -90.

UPDATE 1/19 9AM: I tried setting offset = -0.5 in the function rotate_about_center() below and the 90/-90 degree rotations match Matlab. For my 10x10 image, the reasoning why this may work is that the center point defined by (cols/2, rows/2) is not (5,5), but rather (4.5, 4.5). The same logic works for an 11x11 image: the center is not (5.5,5.5) but rather (5,5).

import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functools
import math

bwimshow = functools.partial(plt.imshow, vmin=0, vmax=255,

def rotate_about_center(src, angle, widthOffset=0., heightOffset=0, scale=1.):
    w = src.shape[1]
    h = src.shape[0]

    # Add offset to correct for center of images.
    wOffset = -0.5 
    hOffset = -0.5

    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians
    # now calculate new image width and height
    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale
    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale
    print("nw = ", nw, "nh = ", nh)
    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5 + wOffset, nh*0.5 + hOffset), angle, scale)
    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
    # with the rotation
    rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5 + widthOffset, (nh-h)*0.5 + heightOffset,0]))
    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
    # part of the transform
    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]
    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]
    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

def main():
    # create image
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    angle = -90  
    widthOffset = 0  # need 1 to match 90 degrees and ? for -90 degrees.
    heightOffset = 0
    img = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)

    for row in range(rows):
        img[row,0] = 255
        img[row,cols-1] = 255

    for col in range(cols):
        img[0,col] = 200
        img[rows-1,col] = 200

    img[0, int(cols/2 - 1)] = 0  # need -1 to match matlab
    img[rows-1, int(cols/2) - 1] = 100 # need -1 to match matlab

    img = rotate_about_center(img, angle, widthOffset, heightOffset)
    print("img shape = ", img.shape)
    print('Data type', img.dtype)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()enter code here

And below is the Matlab script


rows = 10;
cols = 10;
Img = zeros(rows,cols);
% draw perimeter around box
Img(1:rows, 1) = 255;
Img(1:rows, cols) = 255;
Img(1, 1:cols) = 200;
Img(rows, 1:cols) = 200;
% Mark the row so we can distinguish from a column.
Img(1, cols/2) = 0;
Img(rows, cols/2) = 100;

image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
angle = -90; % positive is counter clockwise
Img = imrotate(Img, angle, 'bilinear');
image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
title('Matlab rotation experiment')
xlabel(['cols = ' num2str(sz(2))])
ylabel(['rows = ' num2str(sz(1))])

I apologize for the reams and reams of code, but hopefully it makes it easier for someone to replicate the problem.

Matching matlab rotation with Centering opencv rotation

I'm having difficulties getting C++ and python rotations to match Matlab. My goal is to get c++ code to match a algorithm written in Matlab (its rather complex) and I have found the issue to be in the rotation portion. rotations.

The rotation must retain all data so no clipping is allowed.

To simplify things, I decided to try to match Matlab centering the rotation with Python first as it's easier to test with than c++. Testing with 90 and -90 degrees also simplified the transformation matrix (see

I also thought the best way to observe rotations is to use a simple case where the border pixel values are set to observe how the box rotates.

The python code I tried came from Flemin's Blog on rotation ( and the c++ came from Schillingman's post (

Below is a picture of the original non-rotated image in python. Use the grey point as (4,9) for reference. image description

Then after running the python script (script below), I get a rotation where it is shifted to the right one column. Note the reference point is at (1,4) when it should be at (0,4) image description

With Matlab (script below), the rotation is as expected. Note that matlab plots start at 1 whereas Python starts at zero. So the reference point in Matlab at (1,5) equates to a Python point at (0,4) image description

Below is the Python script. I added width and height offsets to the function to allow me to experiment with offsets to the tx and ty rotation parameters. I found that setting the width offset to 1 made the 90 degree rotation case match Matlab, but it didn't help -90.

UPDATE 1/19 9AM: I tried setting offset = -0.5 in the function rotate_about_center() below and the 90/-90 90 and -90 degree rotations match Matlab. center as expected. For my 10x10 image, the reasoning why this may work is that the center point defined by (cols/2, rows/2) is not (5,5), but rather (4.5, 4.5). The same logic works for an 11x11 image: the center is not (5.5,5.5) but rather (5,5).(5,5). Rotations at 45 and -45 don't center.

import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functools
import math

bwimshow = functools.partial(plt.imshow, vmin=0, vmax=255,

def rotate_about_center(src, angle, widthOffset=0., heightOffset=0, scale=1.):
    w = src.shape[1]
    h = src.shape[0]

    # Add offset to correct for center of images.
    wOffset = -0.5 
    hOffset = -0.5

    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians
    # now calculate new image width and height
    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale
    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale
    print("nw = ", nw, "nh = ", nh)
    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5 + wOffset, nh*0.5 + hOffset), angle, scale)
    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
    # with the rotation
    rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5 + widthOffset, (nh-h)*0.5 + heightOffset,0]))
    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
    # part of the transform
    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]
    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]
    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

def main():
    # create image
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    angle = -90  
    widthOffset = 0  # need 1 to match 90 degrees and ? for -90 degrees.
    heightOffset = 0
    img = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)

    img[:, 0] = 255
    img[:, cols-1] = 255

    img[0, :] = 200
    img[rows-1, :] = 200

    # mark some pixels for row in range(rows):
        img[row,0] = 255
        img[row,cols-1] = 255

    for col in range(cols):
        img[0,col] = 200
        img[rows-1,col] = 200

reference points.
    img[0, int(cols/2 - 1)] = 0  # need -1 to match matlab
     img[rows-1, int(cols/2) - 1] = 100 # need -1 to match matlab


    img = rotate_about_center(img, angle, widthOffset, heightOffset)
    print("img shape = ", img.shape)
    print('Data type', img.dtype)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()enter code here

And below is the Matlab script


rows = 10;
cols = 10;
Img = zeros(rows,cols);
% draw perimeter around box
Img(1:rows, 1) = 255;
Img(1:rows, cols) = 255;
Img(1, 1:cols) = 200;
Img(rows, 1:cols) = 200;
% Mark the row so we can distinguish from a column.
Img(1, cols/2) = 0;
Img(rows, cols/2) = 100;

image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
angle = -90; % positive is counter clockwise
Img = imrotate(Img, angle, 'bilinear');
image(Img, 'CDataMapping','scaled');
sz = size(Img);
title('Matlab rotation experiment')
xlabel(['cols = ' num2str(sz(2))])
ylabel(['rows = ' num2str(sz(1))])

I apologize for the reams and reams of code, but hopefully it makes it easier for someone to replicate the problem.

Centering opencv rotation

I'm having difficulties getting C++ rotations. opencv rotations to center.

The rotation must retain all data so no clipping is allowed.

To simplify things, I decided to try centering the rotation with Python My first as it's easier to test with than c++. Testing with case is using 90 and -90 degrees also simplified to simplify the transformation matrix (see

I also thought the best way to observe rotations is to use a simple case where the border pixel values are set to observe how the box rotates.

The python code I tried came from Flemin's Blog on rotation ( and the c++ came from Schillingman's post (

Below is a picture of the original non-rotated image in python. Use the grey point as (4,9) for reference. image description

Then after running the python script (script below), I get a rotation where it is shifted to the right one column. Note the reference point is at (1,4) when it should be at (0,4) image description

Below is the Python script. I added width and height offsets to the function to allow me to experiment with offsets to the tx and ty rotation parameters. I found that setting the width offset to 1 made the 90 degree rotation case match Matlab, but it didn't help -90.

UPDATE 1/19 9AM: I tried setting offset = -0.5 in the function rotate_about_center() below and the 90 and -90 degree rotations center as expected. For my 10x10 image, the reasoning why this may work is that the center point defined by (cols/2, rows/2) is not (5,5), but rather (4.5, 4.5). The same logic works for an 11x11 image: the center is not (5.5,5.5) but rather (5,5). Rotations at 45 and -45 don't center.

import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functools
import math

bwimshow = functools.partial(plt.imshow, vmin=0, vmax=255,

def rotate_about_center(src, angle, widthOffset=0., heightOffset=0, scale=1.):
    w = src.shape[1]
    h = src.shape[0]

    # Add offset to correct for center of images.
    wOffset = -0.5 
    hOffset = -0.5

    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians
    # now calculate new image width and height
    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale
    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale
    print("nw = ", nw, "nh = ", nh)
    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5 + wOffset, nh*0.5 + hOffset), angle, scale)
    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
    # with the rotation
    rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5 + widthOffset, (nh-h)*0.5 + heightOffset,0]))
    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
    # part of the transform
    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]
    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]
    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

def main():
    # create image
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    angle = -90  
    widthOffset = 0  # need 1 to match 90 degrees and ? for -90 degrees.
    heightOffset = 0
    img = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)

    img[:, 0] = 255
    img[:, cols-1] = 255

    img[0, :] = 200
    img[rows-1, :] = 200

    # mark some pixels for reference points.
    img[0, int(cols/2 - 1)] = 0  
    img[rows-1, int(cols/2) - 1] = 100


    img = rotate_about_center(img, angle, widthOffset, heightOffset)
    print("img shape = ", img.shape)
    print('Data type', img.dtype)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()enter code here

I apologize for the reams and reams of code, but hopefully it makes it easier for someone to replicate the problem.

Centering opencv rotation

I'm having difficulties getting opencv rotations to center.

The rotation must retain all data so no clipping is allowed.

My first test case is using 90 and -90 degrees to simplify the transformation matrix (see

I also thought the best way to observe rotations is to use a simple case where the border pixel values are set to observe how the box rotates.

The python code I tried came from Flemin's Blog on rotation ( and the c++ came from Schillingman's post (

Below is a picture of the original non-rotated image in python. Use the grey point as (4,9) for reference. image description

Then after running the python script (script below), I get a rotation where it is shifted to the right one column. Note the reference point is at (1,4) when it should be at (0,4) image description

Below is the Python script. I added width and height offsets to the function to allow me to experiment with offsets to the tx and ty rotation parameters. I found that setting the width offset to 1 made the 90 degree rotation case match Matlab, but it didn't help -90.

UPDATE 1/19 9AM: I tried setting offset = -0.5 in the function rotate_about_center() below and the 90 and -90 degree rotations center as expected. For my a 10x10 image, the reasoning why this may work is that the center point defined by (cols/2, rows/2) is not (5,5), but rather (4.5, 4.5). The same logic works for an applied to a 11x11 image: the center is not (5.5,5.5) but rather (5,5). Rotations at 45 and -45 don't center. center - meaning they visually don't look centered in the box computed of size nw x nh. So basically I wonder a "center" equal to (cols/2 - 0.5, rows/2 - 05) works but a center of (cols/2, rows/2) does not.

import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functools
import math

bwimshow = functools.partial(plt.imshow, vmin=0, vmax=255,

def rotate_about_center(src, angle, widthOffset=0., heightOffset=0, scale=1.):
    w = src.shape[1]
    h = src.shape[0]

    # Add offset to correct for center of images.
    wOffset = -0.5 
    hOffset = -0.5

    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians
    # now calculate new image width and height
    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale
    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale
    print("nw = ", nw, "nh = ", nh)
    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5 + wOffset, nh*0.5 + hOffset), angle, scale)
    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
    # with the rotation
    rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5 + widthOffset, (nh-h)*0.5 + heightOffset,0]))
    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
    # part of the transform
    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]
    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]
    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

def main():
    # create image
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    angle = -90  
    widthOffset = 0  # need 1 to match 90 degrees and ? for -90 degrees.
    heightOffset = 0
    img = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)

    img[:, 0] = 255
    img[:, cols-1] = 255

    img[0, :] = 200
    img[rows-1, :] = 200

    # mark some pixels for reference points.
    img[0, int(cols/2 - 1)] = 0  
    img[rows-1, int(cols/2) - 1] = 100


    img = rotate_about_center(img, angle, widthOffset, heightOffset)
    print("img shape = ", img.shape)
    print('Data type', img.dtype)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()enter code here

I apologize for the reams and reams of code, but hopefully it makes it easier for someone to replicate the problem.

Centering opencv rotation

I'm having difficulties getting opencv rotations to center.

The rotation must retain all data so no clipping is allowed.

My first test case is using 90 and -90 degrees to simplify the transformation matrix (see

I also thought the best way to observe rotations is to use a simple case where the border pixel values are set to observe how the box rotates.

The python code I tried came from Flemin's Blog on rotation (

Below is a picture of the original non-rotated image in python. Use the grey point as (4,9) for reference. image description

Then after running the python script (script below), I get a rotation where it is shifted to the right one column. Note the reference point is at (1,4) when it should be at (0,4) image description

Below is the Python script. I added width and height offsets to the function to allow me to experiment with offsets to the tx and ty rotation parameters. I found that setting the width offset to 1 made the 90 degree rotation case match Matlab, but it didn't help -90.

UPDATE 1/19 9AM: I tried setting offset = -0.5 in the function rotate_about_center() below and the 90 and -90 degree rotations center as expected. For a 10x10 image, the reasoning why this may work is that the center point defined by (cols/2, rows/2) is not (5,5), but rather (4.5, 4.5). The same logic applied to a 11x11 image: the center is not (5.5,5.5) but rather (5,5). Rotations at 45 and -45 don't center - meaning they visually don't look centered in the box computed of size nw x nh. So basically I wonder think I understand why a "center" equal to (cols/2 - 0.5, rows/2 - 05) works but a center of (cols/2, rows/2) does not. not, however, most examples I've found do not subtract the 0.5.

import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functools
import math

bwimshow = functools.partial(plt.imshow, vmin=0, vmax=255,

def rotate_about_center(src, angle, widthOffset=0., heightOffset=0, scale=1.):
    w = src.shape[1]
    h = src.shape[0]

    # Add offset to correct for center of images.
    wOffset = -0.5 
    hOffset = -0.5

    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians
    # now calculate new image width and height
    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale
    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale
    print("nw = ", nw, "nh = ", nh)
    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5 + wOffset, nh*0.5 + hOffset), angle, scale)
    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
    # with the rotation
    rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5 + widthOffset, (nh-h)*0.5 + heightOffset,0]))
    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
    # part of the transform
    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]
    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]
    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

def main():
    # create image
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    angle = -90  
    widthOffset = 0  # need 1 to match 90 degrees and ? for -90 degrees.
    heightOffset = 0
    img = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)

    img[:, 0] = 255
    img[:, cols-1] = 255

    img[0, :] = 200
    img[rows-1, :] = 200

    # mark some pixels for reference points.
    img[0, int(cols/2 - 1)] = 0  
    img[rows-1, int(cols/2) - 1] = 100


    img = rotate_about_center(img, angle, widthOffset, heightOffset)
    print("img shape = ", img.shape)
    print('Data type', img.dtype)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()enter code here

I apologize for the reams and reams of code, but hopefully it makes it easier for someone to replicate the problem.