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Facemark Kazemi Training

Hi everyone,

I am trying to train a Facemark Kazemi model. I am following the this guide and sample code.

Is there anyway to train the model where I can avoid loading all training images at once as they do in the sample and guide? I run out of memory after creating Mats for ~300 of the 2000 images in the HELEN training dataset :(

I see the LBF and AAM models allow you add a single image to the model at a time with addTrainingSample(). Is there any way to avoid loading all the images at once to train the Kazemi model or some other way to resolve this issue?

Facemark Kazemi Training

Hi everyone,

I am trying to train a Facemark Kazemi model. I am following the this guide and sample code.

Is there anyway to train the model where I can avoid loading all training images at once as they do in the sample and guide? I run out of memory after creating Mats for ~300 of the 2000 images in the HELEN training dataset :(

I see the LBF and AAM models allow you add a single image to the model at a time with addTrainingSample(). Is there any way to avoid loading all the images at once to train the Kazemi model or some other way to resolve this issue?

Edit: I tried out training an AAM model but ran into the same problem when using addTrainingSample() method :( I'm going to try to run the program on a machine with more resources. If anyone has any ideas as to how to train these models and avoid running out of memory when loading the training images, let me know.

Facemark Kazemi Training

Hi everyone,

I am trying to train a Facemark Kazemi model. I am following the this guide and sample code.

Is there anyway to train the model where I can avoid loading all training images at once as they do in the sample and guide? I run out of memory after creating Mats for ~300 of the 2000 images in the HELEN training dataset :(

I see EDIT: I was able to load all training data using a 64bit process as StevenPuttemans suggested! I trained with the 2000 image training set from the HELEN dataset and model ended up being 39.5MB. The training took about 1.5 days to complete.

Although the model seemed to train okay, I am not getting very good results and, when I try to detect landmarks in real-time (video/webcam stream), the model is very slow :( The results I get using the LBF facemark class and its pretrained model are far better in terms of speed and accuracy. This makes me nervous that I did something incorrectly when training the Kazemi model.

One possible problem I noticed was that, when training the model, I get a message saying "[ INFO:0] Initialize OpenCL runtime..." rather than the "Training with 3080 samples" message which the tutorial lists. I also get this "[ INFO:0] Initialize OpenCL runtime..." message when loading the model I created. Is this message signaling that something is wrong with how I trained the model? I don't recieve this model when using the LBF and AAM models allow you add a single image to the model at a time with addTrainingSample(). Is there any way to avoid loading all the facemark classes. Furthermore, did the author of the tutorial use 3080 training images at once to train the Kazemi model or some other way to resolve this issue?

Edit: I tried out training an AAM model but ran into the same problem when using addTrainingSample() method :( I'm going to try to run the program on a machine with more resources. rather than 2000 training training images? If anyone has any ideas as to sees how to train these models and avoid running out of memory when loading the training images, I can improve my model's accuracy/speed please let me know.know!

Here is my training code. I use this sample config file and the haarcascade_frontalface_default:

#include "opencv2/face.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
#include "opencv2/objdetect.hpp"

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::face;

static bool myDetector(InputArray image, OutputArray faces, CascadeClassifier *face_cascade)
    Mat gray;

    if (image.channels() > 1)
        cvtColor(image, gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
        gray = image.getMat().clone();

    equalizeHist(gray, gray);

    vector<Rect> faces_;
    face_cascade->detectMultiScale(gray, faces_, 1.4, 2, CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE, Size(30, 30));
    return true;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    string annotations = "annotations.txt";
    string imagesList = "images.txt";
    string configfile_name = "sample_config_file.xml";
    string modelfile_name = "model.dat";
    string cascade_name = "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml";
    Size scale(460, 460);

    CascadeClassifier face_cascade;
    FacemarkKazemi::Params params;
    params.configfile = configfile_name;
    Ptr<FacemarkKazemi> facemark = FacemarkKazemi::create(params);
    facemark->setFaceDetector((FN_FaceDetector)myDetector, &face_cascade);

    std::vector<String> images;
    std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > facePoints;
    loadTrainingData(imagesList, annotations, images, facePoints, 0.0);

    vector<Mat> Trainimages;
    std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > Trainlandmarks;

    Mat src;
    for (unsigned long i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) {
        src = imread(;
        std::cout << "Image " <<  i << " " << src.rows << " " << src.cols << endl;

        if (src.empty()) {
            cout << << endl;
            cerr << string("Image not found\n.Aborting...") << endl;

        std::cout << "Annotation " << i << " " << << endl;

    cout << "Got data" << endl;

    facemark->training(Trainimages, Trainlandmarks, configfile_name, scale, modelfile_name);
    cout << "Training complete" << endl;

    return 0;

Facemark Kazemi Training

Hi everyone,

I am trying to train a Facemark Kazemi model. I am following the this guide and sample code.

Is there anyway to train the model where I can avoid loading all training images at once as they do in the sample and guide? I run out of memory after creating Mats for ~300 of the 2000 images in the HELEN training dataset :(

EDIT: I was able to load all training data using a 64bit process as StevenPuttemans suggested! I trained with the 2000 image training set from the HELEN dataset and model ended up being 39.5MB. The training took about 1.5 days to complete.

Although the model seemed to train okay, I am not getting very good results and, when I try to detect landmarks in real-time (video/webcam stream), the model is very slow :( The results I get using the LBF facemark class and its pretrained model are far better in terms of speed and accuracy. This makes me nervous that I did something incorrectly when training the Kazemi model.

One possible problem I noticed was that, when training the model, I get a message saying "[ INFO:0] Initialize OpenCL runtime..." rather than the "Training with 3080 samples" message which the tutorial lists. I also get this "[ INFO:0] Initialize OpenCL runtime..." message when loading the model I created. Is this message signaling that something is wrong with how I trained the model? I don't recieve this model message when using the LBF and AAM facemark classes. Furthermore, did the author of the tutorial use 3080 training images rather than 2000 training training images? If anyone sees how I can improve my model's accuracy/speed please let me know!

Here is my training code. I use this sample config file and the haarcascade_frontalface_default:

#include "opencv2/face.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
#include "opencv2/objdetect.hpp"

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::face;

static bool myDetector(InputArray image, OutputArray faces, CascadeClassifier *face_cascade)
    Mat gray;

    if (image.channels() > 1)
        cvtColor(image, gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
        gray = image.getMat().clone();

    equalizeHist(gray, gray);

    vector<Rect> faces_;
    face_cascade->detectMultiScale(gray, faces_, 1.4, 2, CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE, Size(30, 30));
    return true;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    string annotations = "annotations.txt";
    string imagesList = "images.txt";
    string configfile_name = "sample_config_file.xml";
    string modelfile_name = "model.dat";
    string cascade_name = "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml";
    Size scale(460, 460);

    CascadeClassifier face_cascade;
    FacemarkKazemi::Params params;
    params.configfile = configfile_name;
    Ptr<FacemarkKazemi> facemark = FacemarkKazemi::create(params);
    facemark->setFaceDetector((FN_FaceDetector)myDetector, &face_cascade);

    std::vector<String> images;
    std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > facePoints;
    loadTrainingData(imagesList, annotations, images, facePoints, 0.0);

    vector<Mat> Trainimages;
    std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > Trainlandmarks;

    Mat src;
    for (unsigned long i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) {
        src = imread(;
        std::cout << "Image " <<  i << " " << src.rows << " " << src.cols << endl;

        if (src.empty()) {
            cout << << endl;
            cerr << string("Image not found\n.Aborting...") << endl;

        std::cout << "Annotation " << i << " " << << endl;

    cout << "Got data" << endl;

    facemark->training(Trainimages, Trainlandmarks, configfile_name, scale, modelfile_name);
    cout << "Training complete" << endl;

    return 0;