Hi, I still can't seem get a retrained graph working in Opencv it is either not loading or not accurate (completely false). so basically a continuation for this thread: link text While i can load now ,most of, my non mobile, retrained Nets, the accuracy on those he can load is close to zero (while they seem fine in python up until the last step ).
It is a expanded Tutorial net ( retrained also with some other Objects)
Has anyone had any success with a retrained graph in OpenCv?
My steps:
retrain it with 10000 , 5000 and 3000 steps
Optimize for inference
python ~/tensorflow/tensorflow/python/tools/optimize_for_inference.py \ --input graph.pb \ --output opt_graph.pb \ --input_names Mul\ --output_names final_result
transorm_graph (this seems to destroy the accuracy, but without it the graphs will not load?!)
~/tensorflow/bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/transform_graph \ --in_graph=opt_graph.pb --out_graph=final_graph.pb --inputs=Mul --outputs=final_result --transforms="remove_nodes(op=PlaceholderWithDefault) strip_unused_nodes(type=float, shape=\"1,299,299,3\") sort_by_execution_order"