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Is CascadeClassifier_GPU really thread-unsafe?

In my multithreaded C++ program, I get malfunctions unless I keep CascadeClassifier_GPU::detectMultiScale inside a critical section. This is true even though each of my calling threads has a separate instance of CascadeClassifier_GPU.

Why is this? Is it a bug?

In the code below, all I have to do to make it break is to remove the scoped lock. This seems to prove the thread-unsafety.

void OcvGpuFaceFinder::detectMultiScale( const cv::Mat & img, std::vector< cv::Rect> & faceRects
            , double scaleFactor
            , int minNeighbors, int flagsIgnored
            , cv::Size minFaceSize
            , cv::Size maxFaceSizeIgnored

    static MJCCritSect critter;

    cv::gpu::GpuMat d_img;
    d_img.upload( img );

    int numFound= 0;
    cv::Mat rectMat;
    cv::gpu::GpuMat d_objBuf;

        MJCCritSect::ScopedLocker locker( critter );
        numFound = m_impl.detectMultiScale( d_img, d_objBuf
            , scaleFactor
            , minNeighbors
            , minFaceSize

    // download the part of the gpu dest Mat that contains found face rectangles
    d_objBuf.colRange(0, numFound).download( rectMat );
    cv::Rect* faces = rectMat.ptr<cv::Rect>();

    // copy face rects to final destination
    for( int ii=0; ii < numFound; ++ii )
        faceRects.push_back( faces[ ii ] );
