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Training cascade for detecting arrow signs

I'm working on a simple navigation problem, for which I need to detect arrow signs and follow the arrow right or left. I can define the arrow shape, and am using this black arrow on white background.


Using a cascade with detectMultiscale seems to be the most promising:

  • I need to something that works at a range of scales (to detect arrows close and further away).
  • It doesn't need to be very fast: the speed of detectMultiscale is not a problem.

I've trained a cascade that does detect some arrows, but there are lots of false positives and I miss many arrows. I am also trying to train cascades to recognize just left or just right arrows, and have not achieved a reliable result. It seems like this should be a relatively easy object recognition problem, so I'm puzzled by my poor results.

For the details, I am using the LableMe dataset (from for negative samples. I'm creating positive samples from this dataset with the command below and a 26x20 pixel version of the arrow.

opencv_createsamples -img arrow_26x20R.jpg -bg bg_0-20.txt -num 20000 -info ./pos_5R/annotations.lst -pngoutput ./pos_5R -bgcolor 1 -bgthresh 0 -maxxangle 0.2 -maxyangle 0.5 -maxzangle 0.2 -w 26 -h 20

Then the vector file:

opencv_createsamples -num 20000 -info ./pos_5L/annotations.lst -vec pos_5L.vec -w 26 -h 20

Then training the cascade with:

opencv_traincascade -data cascade_arrow_5L -vec pos_5L.vec -bg bg_5R_0-20.txt -numPos 17000 -numNeg 40000 -numStages 10 -w 26 -h 20

I've tried it with 2000 positive/4000 negative images, and 20,000 positive/40,000 negative images, but no improvement in effectiveness. The training finishes with 'Required leaf false alarm rate achieved. Branch training terminated.' after just 2 stages (stage 0 & 1).

I've read a lot of helpful advice and tutorials, including this forum, but can't figure out any mistake. I'd be very grateful for any suggestions.

Training cascade for detecting arrow signs

I'm working on a simple navigation problem, for which I need to detect arrow signs and follow the arrow right or left. I can define the arrow shape, and am using this black arrow on white background.


Using a cascade with detectMultiscale seems to be the most promising:

  • I need to something that works at a range of scales (to detect arrows close and further away).
  • It doesn't need to be very fast: the speed of detectMultiscale is not a problem.

I've trained a cascade that does detect some arrows, but there are lots of false positives and I miss many arrows. I am also trying to train cascades to recognize just left or just right arrows, and have not achieved a reliable result. It seems like this should be a relatively easy object recognition problem, so I'm puzzled by my poor results.

For the details, I am using the LableMe dataset (from for negative samples. I'm creating positive samples from this dataset with the command below and a 26x20 pixel version of the arrow.

opencv_createsamples -img arrow_26x20R.jpg -bg bg_0-20.txt -num 20000 -info ./pos_5R/annotations.lst -pngoutput ./pos_5R -bgcolor 1 -bgthresh 0 -maxxangle 0.2 -maxyangle 0.5 -maxzangle 0.2 -w 26 -h 20

Then Then, to create the vector file:

opencv_createsamples -num 20000 -info ./pos_5L/annotations.lst -vec pos_5L.vec -w 26 -h 20

Then training the cascade with:Then, to train the cascade:

opencv_traincascade -data cascade_arrow_5L -vec pos_5L.vec -bg bg_5R_0-20.txt -numPos 17000 -numNeg 40000 -numStages 10 -w 26 -h 20

I've tried it with 2000 positive/4000 positive:4000 negative images, and with 20,000 positive/40,000 positive:40,000 negative images, but see no improvement in effectiveness. The training finishes with 'Required leaf false alarm rate achieved. Branch training terminated.' after just 2 stages (stage 0 & 1).

I've read a lot of helpful advice and tutorials, including this forum, but can't figure out any mistake. I'd be very grateful for any suggestions.