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Problem in loading caffe model

This post is a continuation from this issue,

As suggested by @dkurt, I managed to load a caffe model with multiple outputs, the prototxt is given here,

However, when I tried to read my own prototxt again, same error occured.

    int ngroups = inpCn / blobs[0].size[1]; >> 0
    printf("blobs[0].size[1]: %d", blobs[0].size[1]); >> 3
    printf("inpCn % ngroups: %d", inpCn % ngroups); >> 0, integer division by zero, program break here
    printf("outCn % ngroups: %d", outCn % ngroups);
    CV_Assert(inpCn % ngroups == 0 && outCn % ngroups == 0);

May I know the possible reason for this error?
