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is my concept of infomax wrong or right?

hi. sorry guys i would like to know if my concept of implementation ICA infomax is wrong or what because the result is blank image. here is my code

is my concept of infomax wrong or right?

hi. sorry guys i would like to know if my concept of implementation ICA infomax is wrong or what because the result is blank image. here is my code


                            This is ICA infomax implementation 
                            equation :  X = AS  where X is the mixture matrix, A is mixing matrix, S is the source

                            SO ------> S = WX   where W is unmixing matrix. 
                            and since there no way that we can recover the excat source image but 
                            so we use Y instead of S where U ~= S 
                            which gives us  U = WX

                            W = learning rate (YU) W + W

                            where Y = -tanh(U/2)
                            YU = I + Y (U)t

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace cv;

 const char* depthToStr(int depth) {
    case CV_8U: return "unsigned char";
    case CV_8S: return "char";
    case CV_16U: return "unsigned short";
    case CV_16S: return "short";
    case CV_32S: return "int";
    case CV_32F: return "float";
    case CV_64F: return "double";
  return "invalid type!";

 void ICA(Mat &w, Mat x, Mat &s)

    // get the size of the unmixing matrix
    int Weightrows = x.rows;
    int Weightcols = x.rows;

    // learning rate
    float lnrate = 0.95;

    // U = source (s)
    Mat u;

    // y ---> is super guassian 
    Mat y;

    // YU
    Mat yu;
    // creating I (indentity matrix)
    Mat I = Mat::eye (x.rows, x.rows, CV_64F);

    // number of iterates
    int iteratesNumber = 0;

    // creating the unmixing matrix and set it to random variables
     w.create(Weightrows, Weightrows, CV_64F);
     randu(w, Scalar(-1), Scalar(1));

     x.convertTo(x, CV_64F);
     u.convertTo(u, CV_64F);
     cout << depthToStr(x.depth()) << endl << depthToStr(u.depth()) << endl<<depthToStr(w.depth()) <<endl;
    for(int iter = 0; iter < 10; iter++)
        u = w * x;

        // set the super guassian (nonlinear)

        Mat tanh1, tanh2, tanh;
        exp (u, tanh1);
        exp (-1 * u , tanh2);

        tanh  = (tanh1 - tanh2) / (tanh1 + tanh2);
        y = -1 * tanh;

        yu = I + y * u.t(); 

        w = 0.95  * yu * w + w;


    s = w * x;

 int main()
    Mat Image, weight, result;

    Image = imread("/home/pixar/Desktop/rmi.jpeg",0);
    imshow(" s", Image);

    ICA(weight, Image, result);
        cout << result <<endl;
        imshow(" ", result);
    return 0;

is my concept of infomax wrong or right?

hi. sorry guys i would like to know if my concept of implementation ICA infomax is wrong or what because the result is blank image. here is my code


                            This is ICA infomax implementation 
                            equation :  X = AS  where X is the mixture matrix, A is mixing matrix, S is the source

                            SO ------> S = WX   where W is unmixing matrix. 
                            and since there no way that we can recover the excat source image but 
                            so we use Y instead of S where U ~= S 
                            which gives us  U = WX

                            W = learning rate (YU) W + W

                            where Y = -tanh(U/2)
                            YU = I + Y (U)t

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace cv;

 const char* depthToStr(int depth) {
    case CV_8U: return "unsigned char";
    case CV_8S: return "char";
    case CV_16U: return "unsigned short";
    case CV_16S: return "short";
    case CV_32S: return "int";
    case CV_32F: return "float";
    case CV_64F: return "double";
  return "invalid type!";

 void ICA(Mat &w, Mat x, Mat &s)

    // get the size of the unmixing matrix
    int Weightrows = x.rows;
    int Weightcols = x.rows;

    // learning rate
    float lnrate = 0.95;

    // U = source (s)
    Mat u;

    // y ---> is super guassian 
    Mat y;

    // YU
    Mat yu;
    // creating I (indentity matrix)
    Mat I = Mat::eye (x.rows, x.rows, CV_64F);

    // number of iterates
    int iteratesNumber = 0;

    // creating the unmixing matrix and set it to random variables
     w.create(Weightrows, Weightrows, CV_64F);
     randu(w, Scalar(-1), Scalar(1));

     x.convertTo(x, CV_64F);
     u.convertTo(u, CV_64F);
     cout << depthToStr(x.depth()) << endl << depthToStr(u.depth()) << endl<<depthToStr(w.depth()) <<endl;
    for(int iter = 0; iter < 10; iter++)
        u = w * x;

        // set the super guassian (nonlinear)

        Mat tanh1, tanh2, tanh;
        exp (u, tanh1);
        exp (-1 * u , tanh2);

        tanh  = (tanh1 - tanh2) / (tanh1 + tanh2);
        y = -1 * tanh;

        yu = I + y * u.t(); 

        w = 0.95  * yu * w + w;


    s = w * x;

 int main()
    Mat Image, weight, result;

    Image = imread("/home/pixar/Desktop/rmi.jpeg",0);
    imshow(" s", Image);

    ICA(weight, Image, result);
        cout << result <<endl;
        imshow(" ", result);
    return 0;

is my concept of infomax wrong or right?

hi. sorry guys i would like to know if my concept of implementation ICA infomax is wrong or what because the result is blank image. here is my code


                            This is ICA infomax implementation 
                            equation :  X = AS  where X is the mixture matrix, A is mixing matrix, S is the source

                            SO ------> S = WX   where W is unmixing matrix. 
                            and since there no way that we can recover the excat source image but 
                            so we use Y instead of S where U ~= S 
                            which gives us  U = WX

                            W = learning rate (YU) W + W

                            where Y = -tanh(U/2)
                            YU = I + Y (U)t

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace cv;

 const char* depthToStr(int depth) {
    case CV_8U: return "unsigned char";
    case CV_8S: return "char";
    case CV_16U: return "unsigned short";
    case CV_16S: return "short";
    case CV_32S: return "int";
    case CV_32F: return "float";
    case CV_64F: return "double";
  return "invalid type!";

 void ICA(Mat &w, Mat x, Mat &s)

    // get the size of the unmixing matrix
    int Weightrows = x.rows;
    int Weightcols = x.rows;

    // learning rate
    float lnrate = 0.95;

    // U = source (s)
    Mat u;

    // y ---> is super guassian 
    Mat y;

    // YU
    Mat yu;
    // creating I (indentity matrix)
    Mat I = Mat::eye (x.rows, x.rows, CV_64F);

    // number of iterates
    int iteratesNumber = 0;

    // creating the unmixing matrix and set it to random variables
     w.create(Weightrows, Weightrows, CV_64F);
     randu(w, Scalar(-1), Scalar(1));

     x.convertTo(x, CV_64F);
     u.convertTo(u, CV_64F);
     cout << depthToStr(x.depth()) << endl << depthToStr(u.depth()) << endl<<depthToStr(w.depth()) <<endl;
    for(int iter = 0; iter < 10; iter++)
        u = w * x;

        // set the super guassian (nonlinear)

        Mat tanh1, tanh2, tanh;
        exp (u, tanh1);
        exp (-1 * u , tanh2);

        tanh  = (tanh1 - tanh2) / (tanh1 + tanh2);
        y = -1 * tanh;

        yu = I + y * u.t(); 

        w = 0.95  * yu * w + w;


    s = w * x;

 int main()
    Mat Image, weight, result;

    Image = imread("/home/pixar/Desktop/rmi.jpeg",0);
    imshow(" s", Image);

    ICA(weight, Image, result);
        cout << result <<endl;
        imshow(" ", result);
    return 0;

is my concept of infomax wrong or right?

hi. sorry guys i would like to know if my concept of implementation ICA infomax is wrong or what because the result is blank image. here is my code:


                            This is ICA infomax implementation 
                            equation :  X = AS  where X is the mixture matrix, A is mixing matrix, S is the source

                            SO ------> S = WX   where W is unmixing matrix. 
                            and since there no way that we can recover the excat source image but 
                            so we use Y instead of S where U ~= S 
                            which gives us  U = WX

                            W = learning rate (YU) W + W

                            where Y = -tanh(U/2)
                            YU = I + Y (U)t

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace cv;

 const char* depthToStr(int depth) {
    case CV_8U: return "unsigned char";
    case CV_8S: return "char";
    case CV_16U: return "unsigned short";
    case CV_16S: return "short";
    case CV_32S: return "int";
    case CV_32F: return "float";
    case CV_64F: return "double";
  return "invalid type!";

 void ICA(Mat &w, Mat x, Mat &s)

    // get the size of the unmixing matrix
    int Weightrows = x.rows;
    int Weightcols = x.rows;

    // learning rate
    float lnrate = 0.95;

    // U = source (s)
    Mat u;

    // y ---> is super guassian 
    Mat y;

    // YU
    Mat yu;
    // creating I (indentity matrix)
    Mat I = Mat::eye (x.rows, x.rows, CV_64F);

    // number of iterates
    int iteratesNumber = 0;

    // creating the unmixing matrix and set it to random variables
     w.create(Weightrows, Weightrows, CV_64F);
     randu(w, Scalar(-1), Scalar(1));

     x.convertTo(x, CV_64F);
     u.convertTo(u, CV_64F);
     cout << depthToStr(x.depth()) << endl << depthToStr(u.depth()) << endl<<depthToStr(w.depth()) <<endl;
    for(int iter = 0; iter < 10; iter++)
        u = w * x;

        // set the super guassian (nonlinear)

        Mat tanh1, tanh2, tanh;
        exp (u, tanh1);
        exp (-1 * u , tanh2);

        tanh  = (tanh1 - tanh2) / (tanh1 + tanh2);
        y = -1 * tanh;

        yu = I + y * u.t(); 

        w = 0.95  * yu * w + w;


    s = w * x;

 int main()
    Mat Image, weight, result;

    Image = imread("/home/pixar/Desktop/rmi.jpeg",0);
    imshow(" s", Image);

    ICA(weight, Image, result);
        cout << result <<endl;
        imshow(" ", result);
    return 0;

is my concept of infomax wrong or right?

hi. sorry guys i would like to know if my concept of implementation ICA infomax is wrong or what because the result is blank image. here is my code:


                            This is ICA infomax implementation 
                            equation :  X = AS  where X is the mixture matrix, A is mixing matrix, S is the source

                            SO ------> S = WX   where W is unmixing matrix. 
                            and since there no way that we can recover the excat source image but 
                            so we use Y U instead of S where U ~= S 
                            which gives us  U = WX

                            W = learning rate (YU) W + W

                            where Y = -tanh(U/2)
                            YU = I + Y (U)t

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace cv;

 const char* depthToStr(int depth) {
    case CV_8U: return "unsigned char";
    case CV_8S: return "char";
    case CV_16U: return "unsigned short";
    case CV_16S: return "short";
    case CV_32S: return "int";
    case CV_32F: return "float";
    case CV_64F: return "double";
  return "invalid type!";

 void ICA(Mat &w, Mat x, Mat &s)

    // get the size of the unmixing matrix
    int Weightrows = x.rows;
    int Weightcols = x.rows;

    // learning rate
    float lnrate = 0.95;

    // U = source (s)
    Mat u;

    // y ---> is super guassian 
    Mat y;

    // YU
    Mat yu;
    // creating I (indentity matrix)
    Mat I = Mat::eye (x.rows, x.rows, CV_64F);

    // number of iterates
    int iteratesNumber = 0;

    // creating the unmixing matrix and set it to random variables
     w.create(Weightrows, Weightrows, CV_64F);
     randu(w, Scalar(-1), Scalar(1));

     x.convertTo(x, CV_64F);
     u.convertTo(u, CV_64F);
     cout << depthToStr(x.depth()) << endl << depthToStr(u.depth()) << endl<<depthToStr(w.depth()) <<endl;
    for(int iter = 0; iter < 10; iter++)
        u = w * x;

        // set the super guassian (nonlinear)

        Mat tanh1, tanh2, tanh;
        exp (u, tanh1);
        exp (-1 * u , tanh2);

        tanh  = (tanh1 - tanh2) / (tanh1 + tanh2);
        y = -1 * tanh;

        yu = I + y * u.t(); 

        w = 0.95  * yu * w + w;


    s = w * x;

 int main()
    Mat Image, weight, result;

    Image = imread("/home/pixar/Desktop/rmi.jpeg",0);
    imshow(" s", Image);

    ICA(weight, Image, result);
        cout << result <<endl;
        imshow(" ", result);
    return 0;