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In Java when doing some operation on Mat (Background Subtraction) the memory is dramatically using by JVM

I am wondering that what is the reason for dramatical memory using Java program with OpenCV, If only read and show the image, then no problem, but when I want to perform so operation, such as

 Background Subtraction -> cleaning operation (`OPEN`, `CLOSE`, etc) -> find counters -> draw contours

I tried my best to write the most optimized code (avoiding newing Mat in every loop, trying to reuse the previous object etc), so for example, if I have 8GB RAM, then in every second the memory used about 40Mb, then in few minutes the RAM become 100%.

My question is: what is wrong whit OpenCV in Java, Or what should I do with Mats objects? Does Mat object need to be released after every loop? Or I must not use the global Mat object in every loop, in this case, I must new a Mat in every loop?

OpenCV version is: 3.331