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copyTo() works only the first time


I have a problem with my copyTo() function. I have a mask and I'm editing that mask using the cv::circle() function.

It works very well the first time but when I use it the second time the image just doesn't change. The mask is working allright though, that's the weird part!

Here's some code:

 //init Point erasor
    erasor.x = x;
    erasor.y = y;
    if (isEraserActive) {
        circle(result, erasor, 5, GC_BGD, -1); //edit mask
        maskGC = true;
//debugging to see if x and y point are actually in the vector
    if (isEraserActive == false) {

        std::ofstream stream;"D:/biem.txt");

        for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
            stream << << "\n";


         if (maskGC != true) {

    // GrabCut segmentation
    cv::grabCut(imgDebayer,    // input image
        result,   // segmentation result
        rect,// rectangle containing foreground
        bgModel, fgModel, // models
        3,        // number of iterations
        GC_INIT_WITH_RECT); // use rectangle

    // Get the pixels marked as likely foreground
    cv::compare(result, cv::GC_PR_FGD, result, cv::CMP_EQ);

    imgDebayer.copyTo(foreground, result); // bg pixels not copied
    imgResult = foreground;
    cv::rectangle(imgResult, rect, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 255), 1);

else {

    //imshow("result", result);
    imgDebayer.copyTo(res, result);
    imgResult = res;


I don't know why it doesn't work after the first time. It has to work right?