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How to detect circles with 5% error margin?

Hello, I am new opencv.

I have several images which consist of blobs in them. Every image has spherical or ellipse or nearly perfect circles in them. There are around 200 files. I want to check every file and see if the image is a nearly perfect circle (with maybe +-5% error margin, or close to 2pi*radius)?

I read most of the posts, Hough Transform detects circles however it doesn't detect anything in my images as they are perfect circles. So how could I find the best fitting circle based on provided threshold or circularity I can separate them out from the ones which meet my requirement.

Also is it possible to use one as a reference and to compare with others and do matching?

Type 1: Multiple blobs


Type 2: Only one blob

type 2

How to detect circles with 5% error margin?

Hello, I am new opencv.

I have several images which consist of blobs in them. Every image has spherical or ellipse or nearly perfect circles in them. There are around 200 files. I want to check every file and see if the image is a nearly perfect circle (with maybe +-5% error margin, or close to 2pi*radius)?

I read most of the posts, Hough Transform detects circles however it doesn't detect anything in my images as they are perfect circles. So how could I find the best fitting circle based on provided threshold or circularity I can separate them out from the ones which meet my requirement.

Also is it possible to use one as a reference and to compare with others and do matching?

Type 1: Multiple blobs


Type 2: Only one blob

type 2