I want to find depth from stereo image. My code is working for one pair of an image but not working for another pair of an image.
Later, I want to convert video inputs from two cameras into a stereo output. I have tried that but that also have the same issue as the images (second pair of images) shown below.
I have tried it in with Java and Python and faced the same issue in both the languages.
Here is my java code
public static void main(String[] args)
Mat left = Imgcodecs.imread("path", Imgcodecs.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
Mat right = Imgcodecs.imread("path", Imgcodecs.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
Core.normalize(left, left, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CvType.CV_8U);
Core.normalize(right, right, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CvType.CV_8U);
StereoBM bm = StereoBM.create(16, 15);
Mat disparity = new Mat();
bm.compute(left, right, disparity);
public static void showResult(Mat img)
Imgproc.resize(img, img, new Size(640, 480));
MatOfByte matOfByte = new MatOfByte();
Imgcodecs.imencode(".jpg", img, matOfByte);
byte[] byteArray = matOfByte.toArray();
BufferedImage buffImage = null;
InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray);
buffImage = ImageIO.read(in);
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.getContentPane().add(new JLabel(new ImageIcon(buffImage)));
} catch (IOException e)
How can I correct my code so that it will work for all images?
The below images gives expected output
The below images gives incorrect output