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imread and imshow showing gray image instead of RGB


I am trying to open one of the images from Middlebury Stereo 2014 data set. When I open and display the image with

Mat mIn = imread(name, -1); imshow(name, mIn);

I a grayscale image displays. $file imgname spits out PNG image data, 2988 x 2008, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced. $pngcheck imgname says (2988x2008, 24-bit RGB, non-interlaced, 68.6%).

Is there something I overlooked?

Thanks for the help!

imread and imshow showing gray image instead of RGB


I am trying to open one of the images from Middlebury Stereo 2014 data set. When I open and display the image with

Mat mIn = imread(name, -1); imshow(name, mIn);

I get shown a grayscale image displays. image. $file imgname spits out PNG image data, 2988 x 2008, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced. $pngcheck imgname says (2988x2008, 24-bit RGB, non-interlaced, 68.6%).

Is there something I overlooked?

Thanks for the help!