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A way to replace cvGet2D( distribution, y, x )

I have the following function in a piece of code that I am completely converting to the C++ interface.

cvGet2D( distribution, y, x )

This piece of code has as return element a CvScalar. However, I want the output to be a Scalar type. Is there any way to do this decently? Using any other C++ function?

A way to replace cvGet2D( distribution, y, x )

I have the following function in a piece of code that I am completely converting to the C++ interface.

cvGet2D( distribution, y, x )

This piece of code has as return element a CvScalar. However, I want the output to be a Scalar type. Is there any way to do this decently? Using any other C++ function?

I tried something like this:<float>(x,y);

But I am guessing this will return a single element and wont fit into a Scalar?