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OpenCV V3.3 64bit Video Capture Memory

Dear community, with this simple peace of code a get a memory leak using opencv v3.3 64bit with Visual Studio 2015.

int i = 0;

while (i++ < 50) {
    VideoCapture test; test = VideoCapture(0);

Can you help me to avoid this? It seems to be a bug in opencv. After the loop finished the memory is leaked and even waiting for the freeing is no good.

Best Regards

OpenCV V3.3 64bit Video Capture MemoryMemory Leak

Dear community, with this simple peace of code a get a memory leak using opencv v3.3 64bit with Visual Studio 2015.

int i = 0;

while (i++ < 50) {
    VideoCapture test; test = VideoCapture(0);

Can you help me to avoid this? It seems to be a bug in opencv. After the loop finished the memory is leaked and even waiting for the freeing is no good.

Best Regards