I were trying to embed python in my C++ application. To convert cv::Mat from C++ to PyObject I were using cv2.cpp from opencv pythonwrapper sources.
//Sample Code.
cv::Mat mat = cv::imread("shirt.png", 1);
pValue = pyopencv_from(mat);
//Segmentaion fault occurs during mat.CopyTo function.
template<> PyObject* pyopencv_from(const Mat& m)
printf("pyopencv_from 1\n");
if( !m.data )
Mat temp, *p = (Mat*)&m;
printf("pyopencv_from 2\n");
if(!p->u || p->allocator != &g_numpyAllocator)
printf("pyopencv_from 3\n");
temp.allocator = &g_numpyAllocator;
printf("pyopencv_from 4\n");
printf("pyopencv_from 5\n");
p = &temp;
printf("pyopencv_from 6\n");
PyObject* o = (PyObject*)p->u->userdata;
printf("pyopencv_from 7\n");
return o;
Please provide any hints /solution . Thank you