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what is the dimension of feature descriptor from BRISK and FREAK? How do I compute

How can I access the feature descriptor from FREAK and Brisk in oepncv framework....

for e.g.

include <cv.hpp>

include <cxcore.hpp>

include <highgui.h>

include <opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp>

include <opencv2 core="" core.hpp="">

include <opencv2 highgui="" highgui.hpp="">

include <opencv2 features2d="" features2d.hpp="">

include <opencv2 nonfree="" features2d.hpp="">

int main() {

const char * PimA="water1.jpg"; // object const char * PimB="water2.jpg"; // image

cv::Mat GrayA =cv::imread(PimA); cv::Mat GrayB =cv::imread(PimB);

std::vector<cv::keypoint> keypointsA, keypointsB; cv::Mat descriptorsA, descriptorsB;

int Threshl=60; int Octaves=4; float PatternScales=1.0f; cv::BRISK BRISKD(Threshl,Octaves,PatternScales);//initialize algoritm BRISKD.create("Feature2D.BRISK");

BRISKD.detect(GrayA, keypointsA); BRISKD.compute(GrayA, keypointsA,descriptorsA);

BRISKD.detect(GrayB, keypointsB); BRISKD.compute(GrayB, keypointsB,descriptorsB); } Now I want to access the elements inside descriptorsA and descriptorsB

what will be the dimension of those feature descriptors as well!

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

what is the dimension of feature descriptor from BRISK and FREAK? How do I compute

How can I access the feature descriptor from FREAK and Brisk in oepncv framework....

for e.g.

include <cv.hpp>

#include <cv.hpp>
#include <cxcore.hpp>
#include <highgui.h>
#include <opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/nonfree/features2d.hpp>

include <cxcore.hpp>

include <highgui.h>

include <opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp>

include <opencv2 core="" core.hpp="">

include <opencv2 highgui="" highgui.hpp="">

include <opencv2 features2d="" features2d.hpp="">

include <opencv2 nonfree="" features2d.hpp="">

int main() {


const char * PimA="water1.jpg"; // object const char * PimB="water2.jpg"; // image


cv::Mat GrayA =cv::imread(PimA); cv::Mat GrayB =cv::imread(PimB);


std::vector<cv::keypoint> std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypointsA, keypointsB; cv::Mat descriptorsA, descriptorsB;


int Threshl=60; int Octaves=4; float PatternScales=1.0f; cv::BRISK BRISKD(Threshl,Octaves,PatternScales);//initialize algoritm BRISKD.create("Feature2D.BRISK");


BRISKD.detect(GrayA, keypointsA); BRISKD.compute(GrayA, keypointsA,descriptorsA);


BRISKD.detect(GrayB, keypointsB); BRISKD.compute(GrayB, keypointsB,descriptorsB); }

Now I want to access the elements inside descriptorsA and descriptorsB

what will be the dimension of those feature descriptors as well!