Hello folks,
I need to profile performance of different builds of OpenCV. So to do this, I have built performance programsa of OpenCV:
opencv_perf_calib3d opencv_perf_nonfree opencv_perf_stitching opencv_perf_core opencv_perf_objdetect opencv_perf_superres opencv_perf_features2d opencv_perf_ocl opencv_perf_video opencv_perf_highgui opencv_performance opencv_perf_imgproc opencv_perf_photo
But these executables need some files which I cannot find them. For example, opencv_perf_calib3d executable needs "cv/cameracalibration/asymmetric_circles/acircles1.png" file but I cannot find this file and other files which are required by other performance modules.
Where can I find these files?