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Detection of arm in occlusion region from depth data in c++ with opencv

Hi, I am trying to find the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand tip point from the single depth data which was taken from stereo camera. Can you suggest procedure to find out these joints from the depth data. Specially when hands on the body part or cross hand scenario.


Detection of arm in occlusion region from depth data in c++ with opencvdata.

Hi, Hi, Currently, I am trying to find the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand tip point from the single depth data which was taken from stereo camera. Can you suggest procedure to find out these joints working arm extraction from the depth data. Specially when hands on I have only single depth data. I have extracted foreground pixels. Now, I want to find the body part or cross hand scenario.arm from the depth data. I am considering below condition.

Thanks 1) Arm present at occlusion region such as on stomach.

2) Arm is in the air. Let me know, in case of any information.

Thank You