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Python Load FileStorage

Hi all, Is there anyway to load using python bindings a YML file containing several nodes of sequence of cvmat ? I succeed to save/load those file with c++ but I cannot make it work with python.

Any help would be appreciate!


Python Load OpenCV FileStorage

Hi all, Is there anyway to load using python bindings a YML file containing several nodes of sequence of cvmat ? I succeed to save/load those file with c++ but I cannot make it work with python.

Any help would be appreciate!


Python Load OpenCV FileStorage

Hi all, Is there anyway to load using python bindings a YML file containing several nodes of sequence of cvmat ? I succeed to save/load those file with c++ but I cannot make it work with python.

Any help would be appreciate!


EDIT: I add here a sample YML file which was written with opencv c++ interface, using cv::FileStorage. With opencv python, the documentation says: Use cv.Load(filename, memstorage=None, str=None) like : But I cannot make it work, it always throw "cv2.error: The node does not represent a user object"

Python Load OpenCV FileStorage

Hi all, Is there anyway to load using python bindings a YML file containing several nodes of sequence of cvmat ? I succeed to save/load those file with c++ but I cannot make it work with python.

Any help would be appreciate!


EDIT: I add here a sample YML file which was written with opencv c++ interface, using cv::FileStorage.

With opencv python, the documentation says: Use cv.Load(filename, memstorage=None, str=None) like : str=None)

But I cannot make it work, it always throw "cv2.error: The node does not represent a user object"