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Simple 2d Ransac points filtring (iOS)

Hi, I am quite newbie in algorithms and OpenCV library so I really need helping hand. Here is my problem. I have an array of points. With more points in this array you can draw a line, but there are some outliners. I need method which returns me two arrays of "ok points" which can be use for line and the other array with outliners (i need them too). I googled that I need Ransac algorithm. It should solve my problem. And after that I googled that OpenCV is iOS library that I need. But what next? There are a lot of methods in this library and difficult situations in docs with 3d transforms and etc. I am not even sure that I right about Ransac... I am going crazy. Could somebody give me a helping hand please? Thank you!

click to hide/show revision 2

Simple 2d Ransac points filtring (iOS)

Hi, I am quite newbie in algorithms and OpenCV library so I really need helping hand. Here is my problem. I have an array of points. With more points in this array you can draw a line, but there are some outliners. I need method which returns me two arrays of "ok points" which can be use for line and the other array with outliners (i need them too). I googled that I need Ransac algorithm. It should solve my problem. And after that I googled that OpenCV is iOS library that I need. But what next? There are a lot of methods in this library and difficult situations in docs with 3d transforms and etc. I am not even sure that I right about Ransac... I am going crazy. Could somebody give me a helping hand please? Thank you!