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Create stitched image from known calibrated points

Image pair


I'm starting to work with image stitching for the first time.

I'm working on a setup in which two depth sensors are aligned looking down onto a table. In the image above, you see the two infra-red images from both cameras side by side.

The sensors FoV overlap a bit in the middle, and in this overlapping area I glued 10 black squares. I can know the positions of each of this black squares through a calibration process.

My goal is to stitch these two images so I end up with one full image that is consistent with my scenario. I looked a lot into the stitching classes, but everything I could find assumes that I'm going to find keypoints in color image to stitch, whereas in this case I want to use these 10 calibrated points (or whatever other to achieve a result.

Can anyone give me some hints of how to proceed?

Create stitched image from known calibrated points

Image pair


I'm starting to work with image stitching for the first time.

I'm working on a setup in which two depth sensors are aligned looking down onto a table. In the image above, you see the two infra-red images from both cameras side by side.

The sensors FoV overlap a bit in the middle, and in this overlapping area I glued 10 black squares. I can know the positions of each of this black squares through a calibration process.

My goal is to stitch these two images so I end up with one full image that is consistent with my scenario. I looked a lot into the stitching classes, but everything I could find assumes that I'm going to find keypoints in color image to stitch, whereas in this case I want to use these 10 calibrated points (or whatever other to achieve a result.

Can anyone give me some hints of how to proceed?

Create stitched image from known calibrated points

Image pair


I'm starting to work with image stitching for the first time.

I'm working on a setup in which two depth sensors are aligned looking down onto a table. In the image above, you see the two infra-red images from both cameras side by side.

The sensors FoV overlap a bit in the middle, and in this overlapping area I glued 10 black squares. I can know the positions of each of this black squares through a calibration process.

My goal is to stitch these two images so I end up with one full image that is consistent with my scenario. I looked a lot into the stitching classes, but everything I could find assumes that I'm going to find keypoints in color image to stitch, whereas in this case I want to can use these 10 calibrated points (or whatever other to achieve a result.points.

Can anyone give me some hints of how to proceed?

click to hide/show revision 4

Create stitched image from known calibrated points

Image pair


I'm starting to work with image stitching for the first time.

I'm working on a setup in which two depth sensors are aligned looking down onto a table. In the image above, you see the two infra-red images from both cameras side by side.

The sensors FoV overlap a bit in the middle, and in this overlapping area I glued 10 black squares. I can know the positions of each of this black squares through a calibration process.

My goal is to stitch these two images so I end up with one full image that is consistent with my scenario. I looked a lot into the stitching classes, but everything I could find assumes that I'm going to find keypoints in color image to stitch, whereas in this case I can use calibrated points.

Can anyone give me some hints of how to proceed?