Hi I am trying to apply the bilateralFilter function in Android to an image (Mat object) and it seems that doesn't work (it just blur it a little bit). To do so I first convert my bitmap into a Mat with Utils.bitmapToMat(bitmap, mat) (mat type: CV_8UC4). BilateralFilter only accepts 1 or 3 channel Mats so I obtain another Mat without alpha channel (CV_8UC3) called interMat. Then I create an empty Mat with the same size and type than interMat called filterMat. When I make: Imgproc.bilateralFilter(interMat, filterMat, 5, 180, 150) and turn it back into a bitmap is like I made nothing. I have modified the sigmas and distance and also iterate the filtering but I just obtain an image a little blur (always the same, even if I change sigmas).
Can anybody help me with this problem? I have tried everything I know. Thanks in advance