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How to install OpenCV on Arch

How can I get opencv to work on Arch (Antergos)?

I can install opecv from the extra-repository, but when I use "import cv2" in python I get the error " cannot open shared object file". Installing the opencv-git from AUR doesn't work because my /tmp folder runs out of space at 9% build proces.

Installing using pip works, but cv2.VideoCapture() doesn't (cap.isOpened() returns false), I read it's because it is not compiled with ffmpeg included.

Is there a solution to my problem?

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updated 2017-06-14 00:23:04 -0600

berak gravatar image

How to install OpenCV on Arch

How can I get opencv to work on Arch (Antergos)?

I can install opecv from the extra-repository, but when I use "import cv2" in python I get the error " cannot open shared object file". Installing the opencv-git from AUR doesn't work because my /tmp folder runs out of space at 9% build proces.

Installing using pip works, but cv2.VideoCapture() doesn't (cap.isOpened() returns false), I read it's because it is not compiled with ffmpeg included.

Is there a solution to my problem?