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OpenVC 2.4.5, eclipse CDT Juno, MinGW error 0xc0000005

On Windows 7 64 bit, AMD processor, I installed OpenVC 2.4.5, with eclipse CDT Juno and MinGW, everything to the latest update. Previously eclipse CDT and MinGW compiled 100+ source files without problems. They even compile this

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    IplImage* img1 = cvLoadImage("lenna.png");
    cvShowImage("MyWindow1", img1);

    cv::Mat img2;
    cv::imread("lenna.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

    cv::namedWindow("MyWindow2", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
    cv::imshow("MyWindow2", img2);

    return 0;

small OpenCV source file, but when I try to Run it then it brakes with notorious

"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000005). Click OK to close the application."

What might be wrong and what would be solution to this problem?

  1. OpenCV (PreCompiled) is unzipped to "C:\OpenCV245PC\ (README, index.rst and CMakeLists.txt are there with all subfolders)
  2. Windows System PATH is set to C:\OpenCV245PC\build\x86\mingw\bin
  3. Eclipse GCC C++ Compiler, Include paths (-I) is set to "C:\OpenCV245PC\build\include"
  4. Eclipse MinGW C++ Linker, Library search path (-L) is set to: "C:\OpenCV245PC\build\x86\mingw\lib"
  5. Eclipse MinGW C++ Linker, Libraries (-l) are set to: opencv_calib3d240 opencv_contrib240 opencv_core240 opencv_features2d240 opencv_flann240 opencv_gpu240 opencv_highgui240 opencv_imgproc240 opencv_legacy240 opencv_ml240 opencv_nonfree240 opencv_objdetect240 opencv_photo240 opencv_stitching240 opencv_video240 opencv_videostab240

OpenVC 2.4.5, eclipse CDT Juno, MinGW error 0xc0000005

On Windows 7 64 bit, AMD processor, I installed OpenVC 2.4.5, with eclipse CDT Juno and MinGW, everything to the latest update. Previously eclipse CDT and MinGW compiled 100+ source files without problems. They even compile this

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    IplImage* img1 = cvLoadImage("lenna.png");
    cvShowImage("MyWindow1", img1);

    cv::Mat img2;
    cv::imread("lenna.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

    cv::namedWindow("MyWindow2", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
    cv::imshow("MyWindow2", img2);

    return 0;

small OpenCV source file, but when I try to Run it then it brakes with notorious

"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000005). Click OK to close the application."

What might be wrong and what would be solution to this problem?

  1. OpenCV (PreCompiled) is unzipped to "C:\OpenCV245PC\ (README, index.rst and CMakeLists.txt are there with all subfolders)
  2. Windows System PATH is set to C:\OpenCV245PC\build\x86\mingw\bin
  3. Eclipse GCC C++ Compiler, Include paths (-I) is set to "C:\OpenCV245PC\build\include"
  4. Eclipse MinGW C++ Linker, Library search path (-L) is set to: "C:\OpenCV245PC\build\x86\mingw\lib"
  5. Eclipse MinGW C++ Linker, Libraries (-l) are set to: opencv_calib3d240 opencv_contrib240 opencv_calib3d245 opencv_contrib245 opencv_core240 opencv_features2d240 opencv_features2d245 opencv_flann240 opencv_gpu240 opencv_gpu245 opencv_highgui240 opencv_imgproc240 opencv_imgproc245 opencv_legacy240 opencv_ml240 opencv_ml245 opencv_nonfree240 opencv_objdetect240 opencv_objdetect245 opencv_photo240 opencv_stitching240 opencv_stitching245 opencv_video240 opencv_videostab240opencv_videostab245

OpenVC 2.4.5, eclipse CDT Juno, MinGW error 0xc0000005

On Windows 7 64 bit, AMD processor, I installed OpenVC 2.4.5, with eclipse CDT Juno and MinGW, everything to the latest update. Previously eclipse CDT and MinGW compiled 100+ source files without problems. They even compile this

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    IplImage* img1 = cvLoadImage("lenna.png");
    cvShowImage("MyWindow1", img1);

    cv::Mat img2;
    cv::imread("lenna.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

    cv::namedWindow("MyWindow2", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
    cv::imshow("MyWindow2", img2);

    return 0;

small OpenCV source file, but when I try to Run it then it brakes with notorious

"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000005). Click OK to close the application."

What might be wrong and what would be solution to this problem?

  1. OpenCV (PreCompiled) is unzipped to "C:\OpenCV245PC\ (README, index.rst and CMakeLists.txt are there with all subfolders)
  2. Windows System PATH is set to C:\OpenCV245PC\build\x86\mingw\bin
  3. Eclipse GCC C++ Compiler, Include paths (-I) is set to "C:\OpenCV245PC\build\include"
  4. Eclipse MinGW C++ Linker, Library search path (-L) is set to: "C:\OpenCV245PC\build\x86\mingw\lib"
  5. Eclipse MinGW C++ Linker, Libraries (-l) are set to: opencv_calib3d245 opencv_contrib245 opencv_core240 opencv_core245 opencv_features2d245 opencv_flann240 opencv_flann245 opencv_gpu245 opencv_highgui240 opencv_highgui245 opencv_imgproc245 opencv_legacy240 opencv_legacy245 opencv_ml245 opencv_nonfree240 opencv_nonfree245 opencv_objdetect245 opencv_photo240 opencv_photo245 opencv_stitching245 opencv_video240 opencv_video245 opencv_videostab245