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Can not open the config file for camera calibration when run the code


Im using the camera calibration source code from OpenCV in this link

In the configuration file may choose to use camera as an input, a video file or an image list.I would like to use the last option . So I tried to create a configuration file where I enumerate the images to use.

Here’s my configuration file .

  <?xml version="1.0"?>   
    <images> C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Images\img1.png C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Images\img2.png  C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Images\im3.png  C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Images\img4.png  C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Images\img5.png C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Images\img6.png  C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Images\img7.png C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Images\img8.png  </images>

So far I understand the config file in Visual Studio 2012 need to be specified with Right click on Project-> Properties-> Configuration->Configuration Properties, Debugging then Command Argument where I put the name of the config file. Then I placed the the config.xml file the project source file in Visual Studio 2012. But when run the code I code this error come in command window:

Could not open the configuration file:config.xml

Any help?