I have tried both the CLI and the Eclipse development environments, but each give me the same problems with the errors of:
In function ‘int main(int, char**)’: error: ‘loadImage’ was not declared in this scope; error: ‘showImage’ was not declared in this scope; error: ‘releaseImage’ was not declared in this scope;
I have the following include directives: '#include "cv.h"' '#include "highgui.h"' and I have the exported environmental $LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib" which is correct as it contains opencv & opencv2 directories.
A> What include files are I missing, but surely the cv.h (aka cv.hpp) should have taken care of the declarations themselves?
B> Do I have to do a "nm <library_name>" to get the includes from each library or is there a easier way to get what header file prototypes are within which library ?
C> Could you advise what I need to do to fix the problems with the 2.5.4 release examples. Actually to assist newbies to CV, it would be a good idea to have all the tutorial examples tested under each new release so it doesn't turn newbies off, as they consider it all too hard just trying to break into OpenCV.