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Visual Studio CLR static and dinamic libs

I use VS2017 and OpenCV 3.2.0 So, I want to run my OpenCV app on another computer, so I built OpenCV with static libs, changed flag to /MT and it's work on any x64 computers (without OpenCV). But then, I decided create windows forms, and in the latest versions VS it's possible only with CLR, and the problem is: CLR don't work with /MT, only with dinamic libs (/Md).

What I can do with it? Don't use windows forms at all? Or I can add dinamic libs with exe in one folder and it'll work on another comp? (I tried to copy libs, but it didn't help, it want .dll, not .lib, maybe I need to build dll in some way?)

P.S. Sorry for my english, I hope you understand what I want to say)