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Why is contours changing slightly allthough the object is still?

Hello, I have been working a lot with contours lately in different video programs. If I measure the contour of a object in realtime or video, and even though the camera and object is not moving at all and nothing is changed in regards to lighting, it seems like the contours are flickering and sometimes changed slightly. It is not more than maybe 1-2 pixel in change along the edge. My question is if there is any special reason for this? Is the program or my computer to slow to calculate exactly the same contour for each frame?

Thanks in advance for any explenation!

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updated 2017-05-15 13:55:35 -0600

berak gravatar image

Why is contours changing slightly allthough the object is still?

Hello, I have been working a lot with contours lately in different video programs. If I measure the contour of a object in realtime or video, and even though the camera and object is not moving at all and nothing is changed in regards to lighting, it seems like the contours are flickering and sometimes changed slightly. It is not more than maybe 1-2 pixel in change along the edge. My question is if there is any special reason for this? Is the program or my computer to slow to calculate exactly the same contour for each frame?

Thanks in advance for any explenation!