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Strange Behaviour of OpenCV Functions (Dilate&Erode operations) out of IDE

I have encountered a bizarre situation. In my project, I am using some morphological operations of OpenCV and they work well when I run the application by Visual Studio (in both Debug and Release modes) but whenever I run the application out of VS (how a release application supposed to be run), directly from a directory, the Erode and Dilate functions produce weird results. I followed the code by attaching the release app as a process to visual studio and debugged it, finally catched what causes this weirdness.

If I use erode and dilate functions like below:

cv::erode(l_Foreground, l_Foreground, cv::Mat(7, 7, CV_8U));

This works as expected in VS, but weird out of VS. With weird, I mean, the value "7", the size of cv::Mat parameters that given to cv::erode is ignored and it uses some default value or something itself and does not produce required results.

The problem is solved when I use this functions as below:

cv::Mat elementErode = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MorphShapes::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(7, 7));
cv::erode(l_Foreground, l_Foreground, elementErode);

It works correct everywhere, both in VS and out of VS. I followed the dll calls and both by VS and out of VS runs call the same dlls.

Any idea about this strange situation?

Thanks in advance.

Strange Behaviour of OpenCV Functions (Dilate&Erode operations) out of IDE

I have encountered a bizarre situation. In my project, I am using some morphological operations of OpenCV and they work well when I run the application by Visual Studio (in both Debug and Release modes) but whenever I run the application out of VS (how a release application supposed to be run), directly from a directory, the Erode and Dilate functions produce weird results. I followed the code by attaching the release app as a process to visual studio and debugged it, finally catched what causes this weirdness.

If I use erode and dilate functions like below:

cv::erode(l_Foreground, l_Foreground, cv::Mat(7, 7, CV_8U));

This works as expected in VS, but weird out of VS. With weird, I mean, the value "7", the size of cv::Mat parameters that given to cv::erode is ignored and it uses some default value or something itself and does not produce required results.

The problem is solved when I use this functions as below:

cv::Mat elementErode = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MorphShapes::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(7, 7));
cv::erode(l_Foreground, l_Foreground, elementErode);

It works correct everywhere, both in VS and out of VS. I followed the dll calls and both by VS and out of VS runs call the same dlls.

I am using VS2010 and OpenCV 3.1.0. Any idea about this strange situation?

Thanks in advance.

Strange Behaviour of OpenCV Functions (Dilate&Erode operations) out of IDE

I have encountered a bizarre situation. In my project, I am using some morphological operations of OpenCV and they work well when I run the application by Visual Studio (in both Debug and Release modes) but whenever I run the application out of VS (how a release application supposed to be run), directly from a directory, the Erode and Dilate functions produce weird results. I followed the code by attaching the release app as a process to visual studio and debugged it, finally catched what causes this weirdness.

If I use erode and dilate functions like below:

cv::erode(l_Foreground, l_Foreground, cv::Mat(7, 7, CV_8U));

This works as expected in VS, but weird out of VS. With weird, I mean, the value "7", the size of cv::Mat parameters that given to cv::erode is ignored and it uses some default value or something itself and does not produce required results.

The problem is solved when I use this functions as below:

cv::Mat elementErode = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MorphShapes::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(7, 7));
cv::erode(l_Foreground, l_Foreground, elementErode);

It works correct everywhere, both in VS and out of VS. I followed the dll calls and both by VS and out of VS runs call the same dlls.

I am using VS2010 and OpenCV 3.1.0. 3.1.0.

Any idea about this strange situation?

Thanks in advance.