Hello to all. I'm noob whit opencv. I'm trying to use Windows 7, Opencv 3.2 and Visual Studio. I test example whit VideoCapture and .avi and it is ok. When i test VideoCapture whit cam usb it is not work. Can someone help me? the code is:
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
using namespace cv;
int main(int, char**)
VideoCapture cap(0); // open the default camera
if (!cap.isOpened()) // check if we succeeded
return -1;
Mat edges;
namedWindow("edges", 1);
Mat frame;
cap >> frame; // get a new frame from camera
return 0;
If I try this code the program opens the room but I see nothing (gray window)
***** VIDEOINPUT LIBRARY - 0.1995 - TFW07 *****
SETUP: Setting up device 0
SETUP: Couldn't find preview pin using SmartTee
SETUP: Default Format is set to 640x480
SETUP: trying specified format RGB24 @ 640x480
SETUP: trying format RGB24 @ 640x480
SETUP: trying format RGB32 @ 640x480
SETUP: trying format RGB555 @ 640x480
SETUP: trying format RGB565 @ 640x480
SETUP: trying format YUY2 @ 640x480
SETUP: Capture callback set
SETUP: Device is setup and ready to capture.
Event: Code: 0x0d Params: 0, 0
Event: Code: 0x0e Params: 0, 0
Event: Code: 0x03 Params: -2147024891, 0