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Master branch 2.4.9 is it stable? How to check it? Gpu functionality not building...

In my previous topic I got my first tries at building openCV from scratch myself on Windows, since I need GPU functionality.

As seen in the solution of the topic, building has been working out and was busy when I left the office. However, since then, it seems that all functionality seems to build, except for the GPU module.

I have read in some topics that master branch could be unstable, but the downloadable packets (2.4.5) don't seem to work for building manually.

It all starts by the following error in my building output, followed by errors that other libraries or build parts cannot link versus this GPU module :

Build started 31/05/2013 9:25:03.
3>  Touching "opencv_gpu.dir\Debug\opencv_gpu.unsuccessfulbuild".
3>  All outputs are up-to-date.
3>  All outputs are up-to-date.
3>  stereocsbp.cpp
3>..\..\..\OpenCV_source\modules\gpu\src\stereocsbp.cpp(199): error C3861: 'assert': identifier not found
3>          ..\..\..\OpenCV_source\modules\gpu\src\stereocsbp.cpp(303) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void csbp_operator<short>(cv::gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP &,cv::gpu::GpuMat &,cv::gpu::GpuMat &,cv::gpu::GpuMat &,const cv::gpu::GpuMat &,const cv::gpu::GpuMat &,cv::gpu::GpuMat &,cv::gpu::Stream &)' being compiled
3>..\..\..\OpenCV_source\modules\gpu\src\stereocsbp.cpp(199): error C3861: 'assert': identifier not found
3>          ..\..\..\OpenCV_source\modules\gpu\src\stereocsbp.cpp(303) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void csbp_operator<float>(cv::gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP &,cv::gpu::GpuMat &,cv::gpu::GpuMat &,cv::gpu::GpuMat &,const cv::gpu::GpuMat &,const cv::gpu::GpuMat &,cv::gpu::GpuMat &,cv::gpu::Stream &)' being compiled
3>Build FAILED.

Could a solution to this be to use the GPU module of the 2.4.5 branch, prebuilt, or won't this work?