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OpenCv with contrib

i followed a tutorial by ZHAJOR in building opencv with the extra modules i couldnt post the link so the tutorial is titled INSTALL OPENCV AND MAKE A TEST PROJECT WITH CLION i should also mention that i did build it with homebrew too i got no errors using the face recognizer in the extra modules

include <opencv2 face.hpp="">

. . cv::Ptr <cv::face::facerecognizer> model = cv::face::createLBPHFaceRecognizer();

, but whenever i #include opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp i got a fatal error im using c++ with opencv 3.2

OpenCv with contrib

i followed a tutorial by ZHAJOR in building opencv with the extra modules i couldnt post the link so the tutorial is titled INSTALL OPENCV AND MAKE A TEST PROJECT WITH CLION i should also mention that i did build it with homebrew too i got no errors using the face recognizer in the extra modules

include <opencv2 face.hpp="">

#include <opencv2/face.hpp>
cv::Ptr <cv::face::facerecognizer> <cv::face::FaceRecognizer> model = cv::face::createLBPHFaceRecognizer();


, but whenever i #include opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp i got a fatal error im using c++ with opencv 3.2