I'm trying to find the Location of a Camera in 3D in the world coordinates! I specify the pose of the camera like this!
How can I get the Location of the camera from the pose "Affine3d "? Note that the Origin is located at Point3d(0,0,0). Do I need to compute this manually? If yes How to transform the Point?
Mat RotationVector(1,3,CV_64FC1,Scalar(0.0));
Mat TranslationVector(3,1,CV_64FC1,Scalar(1.0));
Affine3d AffineTransform= Affine3d(RotationVector,TranslationVector);
cout << "RotationVector: \n" << RotationVector <<endl;
cout << "TranslationVector: \n " << TranslationVector <<endl;
cout << "AffineTransform: \n" << AffineTransform.matrix <<endl;