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Create VP09 video - writer not open

Hi all,

I need to create video using the VP09 (or VP08) codec, but when I pass this configuration to VideoWriter, it newer open created file.

I tried to change output video format from "avi" to "mp4", but nothing happens. Uncompressed video (fourcc argument replaced by 0) works fine.

I'm using C++ and openCV as a library, running Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015.

Any idea whot can be wrong?


My code:

#include "opencv2\core\cvdef.h"
#include "opencv2\core.hpp"
#include "opencv2\videoio.hpp"

cv::VideoWriter *outputVideo;
cv::Size S = cv::Size(width, height);
int fps = 10;
cv::String name = "C:\\Users\\pavlak\\Desktop\\movie.avi";

outputVideo = new cv::VideoWriter(name, cv::VideoWriter::fourcc('V', 'P', '0', '9'), fps, S, true);
if (outputVideo->isOpened()){
     // newer gets there

Create VP09 video - writer not open

Hi all,

I need to create video using the VP09 (or VP08) codec, but when I pass this configuration to VideoWriter, it newer open created file.

I tried to change output video format from "avi" to "mp4", but nothing happens. Uncompressed video (fourcc argument replaced by 0) works fine.

I'm using C++ and openCV as a library, running Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015.

Any idea whot can be wrong?


My code:

#include "opencv2\core\cvdef.h"
#include "opencv2\core.hpp"
#include "opencv2\videoio.hpp"

cv::VideoWriter *outputVideo;
cv::Size S = cv::Size(width, height);
int fps = 10;
cv::String name = "C:\\Users\\pavlak\\Desktop\\movie.avi";

outputVideo = new cv::VideoWriter(name, cv::VideoWriter::fourcc('V', 'P', '0', '9'), fps, S, true);
if (outputVideo->isOpened()){
     // newer gets there


  • ffmpeg added to app run folder (thanks berak) - using opencv_ffmpeg310_64.dll, according to short opencv code tracing loaded correctly, at least icvCreateVideoWriter_FFMPEG_p is not null
  • switch to VP8 (listed on FOURCC codec list as VP80)
  • tried to use webm, avi, mkv, mp4

But still no success. I 'll be gratefull for any other hints.

I'm limited by codecs because of comercial app and VP's should be usefull for this. For now I'm using the built-in MJPG, which works fine with avi container (just two hard gained hints: it needs 8bit picture and color set to true, otherwise won't work). But I'm still open for solution for VP's.