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cv::Algorithm Errors


I have this errors on cv::Algorithm - Expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction - No member named 'create' in 'cv::Algorithm')

Here is the code:

//Initialise detector, descriptor, matcher
detector = cv::Algorithm::create<cv::FeatureDetector>(detectorType.c_str());
descriptorExtractor = cv::Algorithm::create<cv::DescriptorExtractor>(descriptorType.c_str());
descriptorMatcher = cv::DescriptorMatcher::create(matcherType.c_str());
std::vector<cv::String> list;

Showing All Errors:

detector = cv::Algorithm::create<cv::FeatureDetector>(detectorType.c_str());

Expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction No member named 'create' in 'cv::Algorithm'

descriptorExtractor = cv::Algorithm::create<cv::DescriptorExtractor>(descriptorType.c_str());

Expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction No member named 'create' in 'cv::Algorithm'


No type named 'getList' in 'cv::Algorithm'

What I have to do ? Many Thanks