I have used the function cvFindStereoCorrespondenceGC for getting the disparity image. But I have used 8-bit grey image as input Image and using IplImage and CvMat as datatypes. I think so I can do the same for Block Matching and semi-global block matching algorithm.
If I do Block Matching: (I can use either c or c++ functions) 1. C - cvFindStereoCorrespondenceBM 2. c++ - StereoBM::operator()
If I do graph cut-based algorithm: (I can use only a c function) 1. C - cvFindStereoCorrespondenceGC 2. C++ - WHETHER IT HAS A C++ FUNCTION??????
If I do semi-global block matching: (I can use only C++ function) 1. C - I think it does not have a c function 2. C++ - StereoSGBM::StereoSGBM()
But, I need to process 16-Bit Images as Input for making the disparity map. Is it possible to use 16-bit images in any of the functions available in openCV to make disparity map?.
Also, I need to use the C++ function (cv::Mat data type) for Graph Cut Algorithm.