I am trying to install OpenCV for 2 days now. I am using Visual Studio 2012, have Python and all needed libraries, downloaded TBB and few others which i dont need.
CMake does not add up TBB, it downloads something and asks me only about TBB_STDDEF_PATH, and i add him a path to tbb_stddef.h file. I have these path variables added: OPENCV_BUILD: C:\OpenCV\opencv\build OPENCV_DIR: C:\OpenCV\opencv\build\x64\vc10 (tried withh vc11 as well) PATH: ...;%OPENCV_DIR%\bin;
Just in case i copied all \x64\vcXX\lib files to \Debug and \Release subdirectory, for all vcXX both x86 and x64.
I am constructing Build to C:\OpenCV\Build directory.
All i need are applications compiled for TBB, opencv_traincascade.exe mostly. Im coding on python, so i dont need rest for now.
After CMake generation done, i close it, open VS2012, wait until all dependencies being scanned and press Build button for either debug or release and here the most errors i get:
Ошибка 33 error LNK1104: не удается открыть файл "....\3rdparty\lib\Debug\tbbd.lib" C:\OpenCV\Build\modules\core\LINK Ошибка 82 error LNK1104: не удается открыть файл "....\lib\Debug\opencv_core245d.lib" C:\OpenCV\Build\modules\imgproc\LINK
in english would be something like "cannot open file"
So what i am doing wrong?