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Error during training with opencv_traincascade

I want to create a cascaded classifier to detect my simple pen. So, I took about 15 photo of my pen all of width = 476 & height between 43 to 65. Then I took 83 background images all having width 1280 and height 960. I created successfully vec file with 14 samples: opencv_createsamples -info positives.txt -vec vecfile -bg bg.txt -num 15 -w 120 -h 16

and checked for it using: opencv_createsample -vec vec_file -w 120 -h 16

so far I get that these command created all the vec files. opencv_traincascade -data classifier -vec vecfile -bg bg.txt -numPos 15 -numNeg 83 -numStages 18 -precalcValBufSize 384 -precalcIdxBufSize 256 -w 120 -h 16

but the training stoped at STAGE 4 generating error

Required leaf false alarm rate achieved. Branch training terminated

Can you please help, what was wrong?

Thanking You in Advance.

Please Help

Error during training with opencv_traincascade

I want to create a cascaded classifier to detect my simple pen. So, I took about 15 photo of my pen all of width = 476 & height between 43 to 65. Then I took 83 background images all having width 1280 and height 960. I created successfully vec file with 14 samples: opencv_createsamples -info positives.txt -vec vecfile -bg bg.txt -num 15 -w 120 -h 16

and checked for it using: opencv_createsample -vec vec_file -w 120 -h 16

so far I get that these command created all the vec files. opencv_traincascade -data classifier -vec vecfile -bg bg.txt -numPos 15 -numNeg 83 -numStages 18 -precalcValBufSize 384 -precalcIdxBufSize 256 -w 120 -h 16

but the training stoped at STAGE 4 generating error

Required leaf false alarm rate achieved. Branch training terminated

Can you please help, what was wrong?wrong? What is false alarm rate??

Thanking You in Advance.

Please Help