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Is opened to exe always false

Hi there, i have a little problem. I have a program that gets from user path to the file(video file like *.avi *.flv *.MOV) after it he should open it and convert to hsv. Every think works fine in .py even when i use pyinstaller to export it in .exe i can run it on my computer ... But when i send it to friends they cant open the file. Like they start exe srt the right path and nothink happends. I try if he gets the right path. Yes he had right path to the file. Then i try print if he is opened and that was the problem it was always false when my friends try to open the file. And they had same video as i but i can run it and they cant. I think there is problem with dll file that helps opencv to open video files and in exe he forget or cant export. Am i right ? What is problem ? And how to fix it ?