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realsense R200, difference between saved images and live stream?

Hi, I have a realsense r200 camera, and am using it with Stereo Odometry.

The images are converted to cv::mat like this:

Mat lFrame(480, 640, CV_16U, (uchar *)dev->get_frame_data(rs::stream::infrared));

which looks fine, and is from the docs.

When i save images out using:

cv::imwrite(name, img);

and run them through the third party Odometry library by loading the images, like this:

cv::Mat left_img = cv::imread(left_img_file_name.c_str(), 0); // load as black and white image
uint8_t* left_img_data =;

Everything works great. BUT, when i use a live stream of images, like this:

Mat lFrame(480, 640, CV_16U, (uchar *)dev->get_frame_data(rs::stream::infrared));
uint8_t* left_img_data =;

It does not work at all.

I suspect this is due to a mismatch in Mat types, but I am lost.

I have tried:

cv::cvtColor(lFrame, leftImg, CV_GRAY2RGB);

cv::cvtColor(lFrame, leftImg, CV_GRAY2BGR);

But I see no difference. Does anyone have any thoughts on what might be missing here?

Thank you!

realsense R200, difference between saved images and live stream?

Hi, I have a realsense r200 camera, and am using it with Stereo Odometry.

The images are converted to cv::mat like this:

Mat lFrame(480, 640, CV_16U, (uchar *)dev->get_frame_data(rs::stream::infrared));

which looks fine, and is from the docs.

When i save images out using:

cv::imwrite(name, img);

and run them through the third party Odometry library by loading the images, like this:

cv::Mat left_img = cv::imread(left_img_file_name.c_str(), 0); // load as black and white image
uint8_t* left_img_data =;

Everything works great. BUT, when i use a live stream of images, like this:

Mat lFrame(480, 640, CV_16U, (uchar *)dev->get_frame_data(rs::stream::infrared));
uint8_t* left_img_data =;

It does not work at all.

I suspect this is due to a mismatch in Mat types, but I am lost.

I have tried:

cv::cvtColor(lFrame, leftImg, CV_GRAY2RGB);

cv::cvtColor(lFrame, leftImg, CV_GRAY2BGR);

But I see no difference. Does anyone have any thoughts on what might be missing here?

..if it helps.. I have found an example by the author of the library. They used:

IplImage *I = cvCreateImageHeader(cvSize(dc_frame->size[0],dc_frame->size[1]),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);

Thank you!