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Trying to run createsamples, unsuccessfully though

Hello dear community,

I am trying to run a Haar classifier, but I am stuck already with creating enough sample images (FYI I am using git clone

I follow the instructions as per up until the command $ perl bin/ ... in my terminal but I do not get any samples. The command returns only multiple lines like the following (for each positive example):

opencv_createsamples -bgcolor 0 -bgthresh 0 -maxxangle 1.1 -maxyangle 1.1 maxzangle 0.5 -maxidev 40 -w 3264 -h 2448 -img ./positive_images/IMG_0227.JPG -bg tmp -vec samples/IMG_0227.JPG.vec -num 69

Does anybody know what the problem could be? (please see below a detailed step-by-step description of what I did)

Thank you!

What I did, step by step (by default I am in the haar_classifier root dir):

(1) I created multiple positive examples by cropping the original large pictures with positive examples and reducing the pictures to the relevant area only, saved in folder "positive_images" (around 30)

(2) I created a random set of background examples and saved in folder "negative_images" (around 500)

(3) I created the lists of positive and negative examples with the terminal commands

$ find ./negative_images -iname "*.jpg" > negatives.txt
$ find ./positive_images -iname "*.jpg" > positives.txt

This command returns text files, which include only the names of the positive and negative files such as


(4) I then run in my terminal

$ perl bin/ positives.txt negatives.txt samples 1500 "opencv_createsamples -bgcolor 0 -bgthresh 0 -maxxangle 1.1 -maxyangle 1.1 maxzangle 0.5 -maxidev 40 -w 80 -h 40"

To my understanding, this command should create 1500 distorted images in my "samples" directory. However, nothing really happens apart from the output

opencv_createsamples -bgcolor 0 -bgthresh 0 -maxxangle 1.1 -maxyangle 1.1 maxzangle 0.5 -maxidev 40 -w 3264 -h 2448 -img ./positive_images/IMG_0227.JPG -bg tmp -vec samples/IMG_0227.JPG.vec -num 69