I run SolvePnp with 4 points, on very similar input and get different output. Here's my code snippet with explanation inline:
const Mat ML = cameras.getLeftCameraMatrix();
Mat rvecL;
Mat_<float> tvecL;
Mat rauxL, tauxL;
pattern3D.push_back(Point3f(0, 0, 0));
Pattern3D.push_back(Point3f(99.5, 0));
pattern3D.push_back(Point3f(0, 99.5, 0));
pattern3D.push_back(Point3f(148.5, 99.5, 0));
vector<point2f> points2D;
INPUT OPTION1: points2D.push_back(Point2f(251.2490, 226.5540)); points2D.push_back(Point2f(330.2810, 231.8510)); points2D.push_back(Point2f(246.1260, 304.0430)); points2D.push_back(Point2f(363.5740, 310.1830));
INPUT OPTION2: points2D.push_back(Point2f(251.3380, 226.5890)); points2D.push_back(Point2f(330.2660, 231.8370)); points2D.push_back(Point2f(245.9680, 304.0390)); points2D.push_back(Point2f(363.5830, 310.1890));
INPUT OPTION3: points2D.push_back(Point2f(251.2710, 226.5610)); points2D.push_back(Point2f(330.2800, 231.8220)); points2D.push_back(Point2f(246.0760, 304.0240)); points2D.push_back(Point2f(363.3580, 310.1760));
solvePnP(pattern3D, points2D, ML, Mat(), rauxL, tauxL);
rauxL.convertTo(rvecL, CV_32F); tauxL.convertTo(tvecL, CV_32F); Mat_<float> rotMat(3,3); Rodrigues(rvecL, rotMat);
float tx = tvecL.at<float>(0); float ty = tvecL.at<float>(1); float tz = tvecL.at<float>(2); float rx = rvecL.at<float>(0); float ry = rvecL.at<float>(1); float rz = rvecL.at<float>(2);
Mat_<float> pt(3,4); for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ pt.at<float>(0,i) = pattern3D[i].x; pt.at<float>(1,i) = pattern3D[i].y; pt.at<float>(2,i) = pattern3D[i].z; }
positions = rotMat*pt; for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ positions.at<float>(0,i) += tx; positions.at<float>(1,i) += ty; positions.at<float>(2,i) += tz; } cout<<positions<<endl; }<="" p="">
And the three respective outputs:
[-93.012138, 6.0772247, -100.11108, 47.77607; -23.703554, -17.838806, 73.649681, 82.402596; 1379.6711, 1386.538, 1398.9637, 1409.2122]
[-94.372253, 4.9526367, -100.26565, 47.973022; -24.142147, -18.317234, 73.015259, 81.708725; 1413.5717, 1412.6304, 1392.933, 1391.5281]
[-92.997803, 6.0429764, -100.23169, 47.582932; -23.737469, -17.849192, 73.660095, 82.44812; 1380.3485, 1387.8654, 1399.3652, 1410.5839]
As you can see, the reconstructed set of 3D points is similar for the 1st and 3rd example and very different for the middle one (everything is in milimeters) BUT the input is almost identical (less than 0.5 pixel)
Any thoughts? Suggestions on how to solve this?