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OpenCV JPEG 12-bit support


I am totally new to OpenCV so sorry if this is obvious to everyone else. I am working on a project that requires processing grayscale JPEG images with 12-bit depth per pixel. Does OpenCV support 12-bit JPEG images?

The 3rd party library 'libjepg' used by OpenCV supports 12-bit JPEG's but needs to be built for 12-bit support. The macro that defines 8/12-bit support is BITS_IN_JSAMPLE in jmorecfg.h under opencv/3rdparty/libjepg.

If I change that macro to 12-bit and rebuild OpenCV, am I good to go? Or does this mess up the internals of OpenCV?


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No.2 Revision

OpenCV JPEG 12-bit support


I am totally new to OpenCV so sorry if this is obvious to everyone else. I am working on a project that requires processing grayscale JPEG images with 12-bit depth per pixel. Does OpenCV support 12-bit JPEG images?

The 3rd party library 'libjepg' used by OpenCV supports 12-bit JPEG's but needs to be built for 12-bit support. The macro that defines 8/12-bit support is BITS_IN_JSAMPLE BITS_IN_JSAMPLE in jmorecfg.h under opencv/3rdparty/libjepg.opencv/3rdparty/libjepg.

If I change that macro to 12-bit and rebuild OpenCV, am I good to go? Or does this mess up the internals of OpenCV?
