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data format for using ML

I have been evaluating the machine learning methods in openCV. So far I got 4 (mlp, knn, svm and bayes) working. Interestingly, svm and bayes require the training lable matrix to be in format of CV_32SC1, mlp and knn need the training labe matrix in the format of CV_32FC1. Otherwise train() would crash.

It would be great if anyone can post the data formats for other methods decision tree, etc.


data format for using ML

I have been evaluating the machine learning methods in openCV. So far I got 4 (mlp, knn, svm and bayes) working. Interestingly, svm and bayes require the training lable matrix to be in format of CV_32SC1, mlp and knn need the training labe matrix in the format of CV_32FC1. Otherwise train() would crash.

It would be great if anyone can post the data formats for other methods decision tree, etc.
